Wednesday, September 1, 2010

No sure bet casino will hurt, help small biz - Business First of Columbus:
In some cities outside Ohio, casino s get credit for boosting small while in other areas the impactis minimal. In Atlantic City, N.J., the large numbeer of casinos built since the late 1970s is generally acknowledgedf to have dramatically changed the nearbuybusiness landscape. Sometimes the impact is indirect. Whiler people may never see a newbuilding erected, for instance, the casinos are providing citiew with extra cash for economic development. Quantifyingf the benefits and drawbacks is because there’s no way to provde how a local economy wouldx have fared if the casinos weren’t there, said Davi Schwartz, director of the at the .
A lot of Midwestf casinos sprang up in thelate ’90ds when the economy was surging anyhow. “There definitely is a spilloverd effect, but I don’t know how big of a spillovedr effect,” Schwartz said. “Most of the research that is done on this ispretth partisan. It seems like the more confidentr they are in the numbere they throwout there, the less I trust them.” In any the conclusions are mixed. When in the Federal Reserve Bankof St. Louis considered the issue, it One study showed more revenuw at Missouri casinos came at the expense of theaters, sports clubs, gyms and other entertainment and amusement businesses.
An Arizonaz study said growth in retail sales tax collections from varioud industries slowed after the introduction ofcasino gambling. A study in Indiana said casinox gave area residents a placse to spend money that otherwise woulc have leftthe area. But it also showedd that casinos in larger citieds tend to bring in more outsiders than rurakcasinos do. Likewise in the congressional founddisparatwe numbers: 83 percent of Illinois riverboat gamblers lived in the state, for but less than 15 percent of gamblerws in Atlantic City and Las Vegas casinoas were residents.
“One of the most dramatic insightz intothis issue,” the commission wrote, “came from Stevde Wynn, a major casino operator and promoter who, in addressingy local businessmen in Bridgeport, Conn., stated, ‘There is no reason on Eartnh for any of you to expect for more than a second that just becaus e there are people here, they’re going to run into your restaurants and storea just because we build this buildinyg (casino) here.
’ ” In a 1996 surveyg of business owners in Clinton, Iowa, 60 percent said they’d seen no change since a riverboat casino set up 12 percent saw an increase and the rest nearly a third at 28 percent – saw a “There’s not a lot of direcg economic impact other than maybe gas stations,” said Darrell Voelker, economic development director for the Harriso County Chamber of Commerce in Ind. One reason is that the Horseshoe SouthernIndianwa Casino, while in the same county, is milees from the main business district, he The lack of direct impact wasn’t he added.
Back before the casino openerdin 1998, the chamber researched the impact of casinosx in Mississippi, Iowa and What the casino does provide, is tax revenue that finds its way back to the “The tourism bureau is able to market our countu in a way never before imagined,” Voelkefr said. “It’s a whole lot more money than they everhad before.” The county also has extraw funds to extend roads, put in storm drainse and make other improvements that help attract smalkl business. “Those businesses wouldn’t have been here if we had not had the properth availablefor them. But it isn’t that they drovre here becauseof Horseshoe,” Voelker said.

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