Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Step Outside - WMNF

Step Outside


From 20th century composers to early electronic experiments, free jazz, 4th world music, obscure psychedelia and the avant-garde. Featured artists include Sun Ra, Fred Frith, Tom Waits, John Zorn, Amy Denio, Dungen, Faust, Soft Machine, Miles Davis, ...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Arizona comes in 38th among state for per capita Gross State Product - Phoenix Business Journal:
Arizona’s per capita GSP came in at $32,343 for 2008 compared to $33,300p in 2007, according to the BEA. Grossd state product is a measurement of the economic output of a Delaware has the largest per capita GSP inthe U.S. At Mississippi the lowest at $24,403. Arizonas ranks 43rd in GSP growth for 2008 with adisappointing –0.67 percent GSP figure 2008 versus 2007. Alaska and its oil dependent economhy was a 2 percenrt drop in GSP 2007versus 2008, the worst of any U.S. North Dakota saw its economy grow 7 percenyt during the same time framer the bestgrowth mark, according BEA. Arizona’as economy makes up 1.8 percent of the overallo U.S.
economy compared with California’s 13 Arizona State University economist Lee McPheterssaid Arizona’s economh grew by 8.7 percent in 2005 compares to 2008’s 0.6 percent loss.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ritz-Carlton Denver names new GM - Orlando Business Journal:
Andrew Rogers comes to the 1881Curtis St. hotel from the Ritz-Carlton Kapalua in Hawaii, where he oversaw the resort’s $170 milliomn re-launch. Before then, Rogers served as resort manager forthe Ritz-Carlton Club in St. U.S. Virgin Islands, and director of golf operations forthe Ritz-Carlto in Rose Hall, Jamaica. Before beginning his employmentf forin 1999, Rogers worked in ’s golf divisio at three separate resorts. He holdw a bachelor of science in marketing from Ferries State University and has a wife andtwo daughters.
“Mty family and I are excitef to be in a city as wonderful as Denvet and I look forward to becomingf part of the Rogers said in a news The Ritz-Carlton Denver property includes 202 guestr rooms spread over 14 floors, a spa and Elway’s Downtownh restaurant.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 CEO King says sale brought a

Fedders AZEY18F7A
, a 12-year-old hosting company baseed in Newark, Del., and Denver, has acquirer 9-year-old for several reasons, including a coast-to-coasr push into geographically strategic sections of the United States and an efforty toacquire talent, said Art Zeile, HostMySite CEO. Zeiles declined to give the value of the noting that both are privately owned But hesaid that, combined, the company will have abou $50 million in annual revenue. Projected totalo employment is 370right now, but that is expectede to change when some redundant positiones are eliminated, according to HostMySite Zeile told Business First that there will be few changes in the where most of Hosting.
com’e 70 employees are located. “We plan to keep the operatiohn intact,” Zeile said. But one change at the Louisvills office is that Darren who hadbeen CEO and its largesg investor, has left the company. HostMySite will take over’as offices in Meidinger Tower downtown. Zeile said King has a non-competre clause as part of the acquisition, but he declined to discuszs King’s departure. King, whose last day with Hosting.
com was May 18, said officialxs with both companies believed it would be best for him to resig n as part of the He said he would have stayed through a transitionh periodif needed, but the incomingy management team was able to step in and assumse oversight of the company. “They’re really good King said. “They know this space.” King said he planw to take some time off and then most likelh pursue anotherbusiness endeavor, althougn he has no definitive plans. “I’mn committed to staying in he said. “I will do somethin else entrepreneurial.” Jonathan Erwin, who was Hosting.
com’s vice presidenty of sales and marketing, now is HostMySite’s regionalk general manager, in charge of operationss and sales, Zeile said. HostMySite’s acquisition comes five months after King told Business Firstthat Hosting.con was in an acquisition with expansion plans made possible by $2 million in a mezzaniner loan from , a private-equity fund basede in Charlotte, N.C. At the time, King said was in negotiationd to buydata centers, one on each coast. He said this is not a sale or another case of acompany hard-hi by the economy. “We’ve done and we had an opportunity to King said.
“We thought it also made sense for our customers andthe community, so we did King declined to disclose any financial detailse of the transaction, but he said’ s eight shareholders received a “phenomenal” return on theit investment. Acquiring firm gains access tocentral U.S. The acquisition combines’s three data centerxs — one in Louisville, one in Irvine, and one in San Francisco — with HostMySite’s data centere in Newark, Del.
HostMySite also has begu n construction of a data centetrin Denver, which is scheduled to be completed in The Louisville data centers give HostMySite instant entree into the centra corridor of the United States, from Chicago to Atlanta, a swathb of territory with eight major populatiobn centers, including Indianapolis, Nashville and Cincinnati.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Greeprints: Green soldiers - Washington Business Journal:

Haier HPRB07XC7
Countless local companies are responsible for speedingy up the procession toward environmental Here are just a few inthe faster-movinb retinue to watch in 2009. You’ll probably catcg Inc. toward the front of the The Alexandria company got its environmental headstarf fouryears ago, back when “green” for most people describex a color of the rainbo w rather than a transformative shift in Calvert-Jones started as an appliance shop at the time of the Trumanm Doctrine, tinkering with its businessa model over the years until it has becomee a commercial mechanical engineering company that specializes in energyg conservation and whose services run the gamut from energy audits to air-duct cleaning to wate r treatment to light bulb recycling to retro-commissioning.
Its list of clientsa runs from American University andto BB&T and CB Richar Ellis Group Inc. The recession causex Calvert-Jones to scale back on roughly seven positionzslast year, and talk an eighth employee into earlty retirement. This year, the 195-person compant is positioning itself to rampback up. It is talking to militarg installations such as the Marine Corps basein Va., and the Naval Air Systemxs Command in Patuxent, Md., about potentialk stimulus-funded jobs to replace heating-and-coolingb systems and equipment. But it expects the bulk of the extra dollards to arrive later inthe year.
It is awaitingg word on bids for $110 million worth of project sso far, double its entirse annual average for nearly the past decade. Though, it has collectef on only $700,000 of it year-to-date. “We’re going to have greay third and fourth quarters because the projects will be startedcby then,” said President Stan “The startup [phase] is the only thing. You just can’tt do it overnight.” nailed arguably its most renowned clienty in the final months of last none other than thegranxd pooh-bah of green building, the . But the Northwes D.C.
company, which manages energy use green constructionand retrofits, or full properties for commercia l buildings, downplays that conquest — its Web site doesn’t even have an announcement saying each client is With customers like the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Goodwillp Industries International and the National Wildlife that may be But providing property management support for the USGBC’s headquarters helps propel the 6-year-old business into likely one of its fastest-growin g years. Previously landlord-side brokers, AtSitre embraced the sustainability part of its service offerings inlate 2007.
So far this the company has boosted its staff by 25 percent and doublecdthe green-building portfolio it is measuring and While increasing acceptance of greenn gets some credit, AtSitde says, so do the sagging revenues of a recession. “Ourd message is reducing costs and increasing qualityand performance,” said CEO Davort Kapelina. “I think that resonatea in any time. That definitely is resonating right now in somedifficultf times.” Clean energy doesn’t just mean solat panels or windmills to . Sometimes it really is just abouft cleanliness. A division of Upper Marlboro-based Daycon Products Co. Inc.
, an eco-friendlty cleaning products distributor, Penguin Care concentratesd on training cleaning contractors and propertyt managers to putthe earth’s welfare over toxic chemicalse in their cleaning practices, helping certify them undedr Green Seal standards. “National standards for cleanin arebeing mandated,” said Marion Penguin Care’s executive vice president, who herselfc is a certified expert in the Cleaning Industryu Management Standard. “There are a lot of contracta comingout now, RFPs, requirinbg that cleaning service providers be Green Stecklow guesses she has been seeing about two such RFPs or contractt requirements a month in the past year.
Before that, she there were none. So look for growth at Penguinn Care, up until now pretty much a Stecklow-run She just hired a second instructoer and plans to add four to five morebeforew Halloween. They will step in front of clasw sizes that could very well double in thenext year, as interestec trainees make inquiries from as far as New New York and Connecticut. Look for the likelihoofd of Penguin Care stepping out of the Daycohn nest and standing on its ownindependenf — and, yes, happy — corporatr feet. If that then so would begin, within that perpetual green movement, the marcu of Penguin Care.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Scottsdale man pleads guilty to federal drug, tax charges - Phoenix Business Journal:

Air Purifiers Salinas
Timothy Keay Isaac, 47, marketed a productr called Vinarol that he claimed wasan all-natural dietary supplement that would promote sexual It turns out the supplement contained sildenafil citrate, the activre chemical ingredient in Viagra, a prescription drug made by . Accordingb to the U.S. Attorney’s office, Isaac and others smuggleed the ingredient from China intothe U.S. withourt declaring the merchandise for invoicing as required bycustomz law. Bryan and Laura Gillette, who were charged in the indictmenyt alongwith Isaac, pleaded guilty earlier this month to one felonyu count each of introducing misbranded drugsd into interstate commerce.
In 2004, Isaac filedx for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 but did not disclose his interest in Ultra Bionateor Johnston-Keay, claiming he had no monthlyh income. He also filed for disabilitgy insurance benefits with the Social Security Administration and received more than In 2006, he received a $2.2 milliobn mortgage to buy a $2.9 million home in Scottsdale. Latere that year, he filed an individual incomew tax returnfor 2005, reporting a zero taxable income and zero tax liabilityt when his actual taxabld income was $80,103. He filed similar returns for the 2006 and 2007 tax He was investigated bythe U.S.
Food and Drug Administration, the Internaol Revenue Service, and Social Security Administration befor the ArizonaDistrict U.S. Attorney’s Office delivered the indictment.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Business Success Stories - Joey Johnson & Graphic Mechanic Design

Air Purifiers Portsmouthd
Johnson formed Graphic Mechanic Design Studipo inOctober 2006, after running the company on the side for nearly a During that time, she worked full time as a contractofr for Electronic Data Systems Corp. in Atlanta, which does work for the Centersw for Disease Controland Prevention. A key to her a $15,000 loan from the SBA and educatiom fromthe Women's Economicc Development Agency Inc., a nonprofit Atlantaw organization. The agency is part of a networkof women'a business centers the SBA helps fund across the countr y to offer training and counseling.
"I had the cushio n of getting that loan and havingworkedx (in) the business for 10 years," said Johnson, who earnef an art degree from The Art Institute of Atlanta in 1998. "The big transitional issue was thateverythiny

Monday, March 14, 2011

Beige Book finds signs of life in North Carolina's economy - Triangle Business Journal:

Danby DPAC8399
The Beige Book, an anecdotalo account of business conditionsx compiled by each of theFederakl Reserve’s 12 district banks, said that manufacturerzs reported higher orders and shipments in the Fifthh District, which includes North and South Virginia, Maryland, most of West Virginia and D.C. The report, released Wednesdayh by the Fed bankin Richmond, Va., also said that residentiap real estate agents saw a slight rise in home salex and that residential lending also grew on more purchasew loans. On the negative side, the reporft found higher vacancy rates in commercial real estat marketsincluding Raleigh.
Demand for commercial loans remained weak as credit qualituy continuedto deteriorate. Also, retail revenue declined as saleseof big-ticket items such as automobiles fell. Servicese firms reported lower salesand revenues. The reporyt makes several references toNorth Carolina, thoug h no businesses or contacts are Among the references: Several grocery stores and executives at two centralo North Carolina chain department storesx said revenue and foot trafficc increased in recent weeks. • A producer of residential doors in North Carolina told the Fed that demandx had pickedup slightly, which the businesa attributed to customers needing to replenishn depleted inventories.
• Tourist activity along the coasft was slightly weaker compared to a year ago but contacts on the Outerr Banks andVirginia Beach, Va. told the Fed that Memoria l Day weekend bookings were somewhat stronger comparex to the last Beige Book A contact from the Outeer Banks of North Carolina noted that the wedding industry remainedr strong but that rental salezs and hotel bookings were somewhat weakee thanlast year. • An agent at a Raleigh employment agency told the Fed that demane for workers would continue to be slow in the next severa weeks due to a slowdown in manufacturing but that he expectw work to pick upin July.
Anothe Raleigh area agent expected stronger demandr due to improving confidence in thebusiness community.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Downtown Loop bridges will get $1.7M in upgrades - Kansas City Business Journal:
million contract the awardeed to In arelease Thursday, MoDOT said it had awarded the contracrt to Clarkson Construction to replacr sidewalks and parapets and overlay the decks with epoxu on the Grand Boulevard, Main, Walnut and McGee street bridges; add distinctive pedestriabn railings on all but the McGee bridge, and repaier curbs on Broadway. The work is expectedd to be completedby Nov. 16. Work that may restrict I-670 and I-35 traffic must be done at according tothe contract.
The work is part of more than $26 millio in highway improvements MoDOT has begunb in the Downtown Loop in the past 18 Other projects include replacing bridgees andadding eight-foot-wide sidewalks and retaining wallds at Truman Road, Oak and Locustg streets; rehabilitating 13 bridges and resurfacin g pavement on the west side of the and resurfacing I-670 on the soutu side of the loop.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

GM to identify 14 plant closures but probably not Wentzville - St. Louis Business Journal:
The announcement could coincidewith GM’s bankruptcy filing, an unnamed sourc told The Associated Press. Four vehicle assembl y plants, along with parts stamping, engine and transmission willbe shuttered, the AP GM’s plant in Wentzville, Mo., could be sparesd because it’s the only plang where Chevrolet Express and GMC Savana vans are made, said Haig an auto industry analyst with . “o would think that they woulf keep that product he said. “In the long run they are commercia l vehicles and there is use for They are used for construction fleets for majorutility companies, independent contactors and electricians and shuttld vehicles.
” If GM were to move Wentzville’s operations to another plant, it woulf have to redesign the vans to fit the platformj of other vehicles because the vans do not shares parts with light trucks, for Stoddard said. Robert Wheeler, a spokesman for GM’s Wentzvilld plant, said he does not know which facilitieds willbe closed. “Unfortunately, we will likelyy hear this news at thesame time,” he said. A representatived from United Auto WorkereLocal 2250, which represents 1,700 workers at the Wentzville plant, was not immediately available to comment because union members were busy votinfg Thursday on UAW contract concessions.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Christie spending plan relies on funding House wants cut -

Boston Globe

Christie spending plan relies on funding House wants cut

Governor Christie has repeatedly criticized President Obama for excessive federal spending, but Christie's latest budget sides with Obama and Democrats when it comes to deep spending cuts that House Republicans approved last month. ...

Durbin: More deficit reduction needed, but not out of discretionary spending

The Hill (blog)

California addiction to debt proves costly

San Francisco Chronicle


Friday, March 4, 2011

WellDoc Communications takes health info mobile - Baltimore Business Journal:
“I needed something to give me a kick in the make memore regimented,” said His motivation came from an unlikelu source: his cell phone. Dr. Suzanne Sysko Clough set her sightsw onusing patients’ cell phone s to improve diabetes control when she was practicing medicine at the . That led an endocrinologist, and her brother Ryan Sysko, a businessd executive seasonedin direct-to-consumer marketing, to launchh Baltimore-based in 2005. The startup is banking on mobild communications-based products to take on disease management, medical lingo for proactively managing health issues to reduce healthcare costs.
patients with complicated diseases like diabetes have been left to theie own devices to manage the complex health regimens that requircontinuous monitoring. Typically, support is limited to a few brief doctor visits a With WellDoc’s flagship called Diabetes Manager, patients input their blood glucosde levels several times a day into their cell phones. WellDoc electronically compiles and analyzes the andprovides real-time feedback to patienta — praise for a good reading or recommendations to get thosed levels up. It also routinely generates reports and forwarda the analysis to each ofthe patients’ healthh care providers.
Although the Diabetes Managedr is still in thetesting phase, WellDocf has garnered significant financial support. The startupp has received $14 million from private investors, led by Stewart Greenebaum, the well-known developeer and benefactor. of Marylan is sponsoring two clinical trials of the Patients whoused WellDoc’s Diabetes Managef lowered their A1c levels the measurement of blood glucose controlo over a few months’ time — by an average of two points in just 90 according to a piloft study at the . Currently, an estimater 21 million people inthe U.S. suffert from diabetes, which in 2007 cost the U.S.
$218 WellDoc’s principals see the “virtuao coach” aspect of their products separating the company from its which includes companieslike T+ Medical, and . Patients like the “If I plugged a glucosr level into my cell phone that was higherethan average, I’d get a message like, ‘Don’t It was fun to get little notexs of encouragement and confidence on my cell phone,” Frisonj said. In the year he used the Diabetesw Manager as part of thepilot study, Frison’s A1C levels dropped from 11.6 to 7.
5 experts like to see that number aroundd 6 — and he lost about 10 Technology like WellDoc’s has won the praiswe of diabetes educators, who express frustration at traditiona management methods. While promising, WellDoc’s products aren’y without shortcomings. The Diabetes Manager’s menu offers only a limiter choice ofcommunication options. And contracts with cell phone carriers need to beworked out. to use the program, patients’ cell phones must be which excludes roughly 20 percent of the cell phonees currently onthe market.
Technology hurdles haven’t preventes WellDoc from forgingahead ­— the compang is eager to move out of clinicall studies and begin commercializing its products, said who would not disclose WellDoc’s revenue or say if the compangy was profitable. WellDoc is applying its technology toothere diseases. In September, WellDoc partnered with to use a mobile tool tocontrolo asthma.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dayton employment to remain sluggish into third quarter - Triangle Business Journal:
Tom Traynor, an economics professor at Wrighrt State and author ofthe report, said unemploymengt increases will continue at their accelerated pace into the thirsd quarter of this year. The Dayton Metropolitahn Statistical Area, which includes Greene, Miami and Prebl e counties, is projected to lose 6,000 to 7,00 jobs in the third That would drop employment to downfrom 380,400 in the first quarterr of the year, a 2 percent The hardest-hit area is one the Dayton area has long relierd on, manufacturing. “Manufacturing employment will fall substantially,” Traynorr said.
Forecasts from the report show employmengt in the sector fallingfrom 42,300 in the firsg quarter of this year to 36,100 by the third quarter, a nearly 15 percentf drop. Durable goods manufacturing will be hitin particular, Trayno r said. “People aren’t spending. They are waiting to buy a new car or that new he said. Retail and service employment are also expected to Retail employment is expected to dropto 39,100 by the thirdr quarter, down from 40,000 in the firstr quarter, a 2 percent drop.
Servics employment, which includes financial service, business service, utilitiesx and leisure service, is projected to decreass to 324,200 by the third quarter, down from 326,700 in the firsr quarter, a nearly 1 percent decline. “The next year to year and a half will be an unpleasanf time forthe region,” Traynor Construction employment is expected to rise as a part of seasonap employment, to 13,400 from 11,400 in the firsg quarter, but that is 1,000 jobs fewerf than the same time period last One area of employment that isn’t expectedf to be hit hard is healt care.
In fact, Traynor said he expectds health care to add some jobs by thethirr quarter, going up to 56,50p from 56,300 in the first quarter. He said the rate of declinr in gross domestic productwill slow, but remainj negative through the third quarter and maybew into the fourth quarter of this year. Even when GDP does become positive again, it will take some time for employmenft to pick up because it is a lagging indicatorr ofeconomic recovery. Traynor said there is a greatf deal of uncertainty still on the national as businesses try to determine the impac ofgovernment actions. Traynor said the problem of high unemploymenft is not going awayanytimer soon.
“This is something we’re going to be livingg with for quitea while, well into next he said.