Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Self-Made Coach - Business First of Louisville:
He was 24 years old, with a businesws and economics degreein hand. Marshall was interviewingy to becomea stockbroker, and thingss were going great. He was asked to come back the next day for apersonalit test. The test was designed to determine aptitudertoward salesmanship; being a go-getter. A sample When at a party, do you prefet to stay with a group of friends or meet everyonee atthe party? "Now, I wouldn'yt mind meeting a couple people at the Marshall says. "But you know, I wanted to be with my with my guys. And that's how I answered And that's probably why Marshall is not astockbroked today.
"The guy tells me, 'You I've been doing this for 29 yearwand I've never had a better interview. But you failee that test miserably,' " Marshall "So he didn't hire me. And if he'd have 'Come work for us,' that's what I would have Marshall finisheda master's degrer in sports administration and went to work for a resorft in Florida. His job included hiding the item s forscavenger hunts. "Basically I was like a pool boy; a cabanaq boy," Marshall says. "I literally dresse up in a gorilla suit one time and had to come in and whiso awaythis lady. So I did, and she' s screaming because she's frightened. That's when I told myself, 'This is not what I want to do.
' He had given up his career as an assistanrt coach for his smallalma mater, , having run out of patienc e waiting for an Division I opportunity. Now here he was, unhappy and on the spending his only day off pleadinvg to his old college coach overthe phone. "II was like, 'Man, you've got to get me out of here, ' " Marshall says. "But I'm also thinking nobody'ds going to hire me. School has started. Practicd had started. It's October." finallh called. It wasn't Division I, but it was a good progranm that would advance to the NAIA Tournament that Marshall never strayed fromcoaching again.
"At one point I probablgy thought I was going to go out and set the worlde on fire in some type ofbusinessw endeavor," Marshall says. "Many of my friends and teammatees diddo that. One's on Wall Street. Another friend startes owning his ownhealth clubs. I was out coaching for $10,000p a year and eating pinto beane withpicante sauce. It was a tough existences for awhile." A side note: Just days after Marshalo returned to coachingin 1987, the stoco market crashed. "Black saw the largest one-day percentage declinre in stockmarket history. I don't know if being a stockbroked would have treatedme well," Marshalpl says.
Marshall is the first Shocker coach since 1992 not to have playesd DivisionI basketball. He's not part of an exclusivre coaching tree. "My dad's not a coach," Marshallo says. "I didn't play at a very high profiled program andI didn'tr play in the NBA. It's more difficult." Marshalll was able to get his foot in Divisioj I by takingan assistant's position with the . It was an NAIA but was becomingDivisiomn I. "Gregg would be a greatg salesperson," says Marshall's former teammate Rod Wood, now the head men's basketball coach at the .
"Hw recruits so well because he's very likable and he's very I often joke that I can'tr leave Gregg alone with my wife, or he'lo recruit her." In Charleston received an at-largr berth into the NCAA The Cougars followed that up with NIT berthse in 1995and 1996.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Common Cause finds oil vote-contribution correlation - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The report, released in is the latest in a seried of studies compiled by Commojn Cause that analyze how political contributions by various industrie might impactpublic policy, said Statwe Director Steven Allen. “We found that legislators who voted on legislationh friendly to oil andgas received, on average, two-to-fives times more campaign contributions than legislators who voterd in a manner unfriendly to the oil and gas industry,” Allen said.
However, President Bob Gallagher said campaigncontributions don’t buy “Our companies look for pro-businesss candidates, whether they be Republicans or Democrats, to creates a stable business environment in New Gallagher said. “We need pro-business representatives, and they need to spendf money toget elected. It’s that simple. But that doesn’t get us any Gallagher said political contributions are like buying insurance on an offics building toprotect one’s “You spend money on a candidate to protect your assets with peoplew who are pro-business,” Gallagher said.
“Withu billions of dollars in assets inNew we’ll do everything we can to protect it. Wouldn’ t you?” The report, based on statistics from the in Statr Politics and the New Mexico Secretaryuof State’s Web says oil and gas businesses were among the larges political contributors in New Mexicpo in every year of the past decade. Contributions totalef $5.369 million from 1998 to 2008, with about 41 percent going to Democrats and the rest to Last year, oil and gas companies contributed more than $1 or 15.6 percent of all contributions in 2008 the most from any single industry.
The single largest contributort last yearwas , an Albuquerque-baser oil and gas investmentr company, with $250,000 for two candidates, the reporft said. was third largest with $140,000. The report analyzedd votes on various oil and gas bills in recent years and correlated the positions of individuakl legislators with the amouny they receivedin contributions. “Contributions to legislatorz whose votes were friendly to industr y on averagetotaled $4,577,” the report stated. “Contribution s to legislators whosevotes weren’t friendly to industrty on average totaled $1,793. For both chambers and all billxs analyzed, industry-friendly voting is associated with 2.
6 timeds more O&G funding than industry-unfriendly voting.” Sen. John Arthur a Deming Democrat and chairman of the Senate Finance saidthe industry’s impact on New Mexico finances is the critical factotr influencing legislative decisions. “Frankly, we’rde far too dependent on oil and Smith said. “It’s too volatile, and we’re right now suffering a backlashg from the industry In the past five oil and gas accounted for betweeb 15 and 21 percent of general fund with morethan $10 billion in taxess and charges paid by industry between 2002 and 2007.
The plummeg in oil and gas prices, however, has lowerec energy-related revenue projections to just 12 percent for fiscal year 2010 the lowest percentage since according to the LegislativeFinance Committee. The revenuee decline contributed toa $450 million deficit in the currenty FY 2009 budget, and a projectedd $400 million deficit for 2010. As for politicakl contributions, Smith said it’s the overall cost of electiones that needs to be addressed rathed than any alleged influence earned byindividuapl contributions.
“I’ve never been influenced by it and all other legislatords will tell youthe same, but you can’t run an electorao race without contributions,” Smit h said. “I guess it’s the cost of elections that bothersdme most. The worstf thing in politics is havingt toraise money. I’d like to see limits on but I don’t know how you do that withougt impairing freedomof speech.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Get A Free Electronic Cigarette: E Cigarette Inhibits Smoking Without The Act ... - Midland Daily News

Get A Free Electronic Cigarette: E Cigarette Inhibits Smoking Without The Act ...

Midland Daily News

Get A Free Electronic Cigarette: E Cigarette Inhibits Smoking Without The Act Of Smoking. Story · Comments. Print: Create a hardcopy of this page; Font Size: Default font size: Larger font size. Get A Free Electronic Cigarette: E Cigarette Inhibits ...

and more »

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

CareWorks deal for Plannet Group shines amid dull economy - Business First of Columbus:
, a homegrown tech companu with agrowing clientele, was acquired May 21 by Dublin-basefd , which plans to add high-paying jobs to supportg the purchase over the coming year. Terms of the deal betweebn the privately heldcompanies weren’t The sale also frees Plannet Group founder Jim Mazotas to start another tech operatiohn that could begin hiring over the coming year as well. “Thisd first rush to the finisy line ended on apositive note,” Mazotas “And it looks like there is gointg to be another one past this.” The 39-year-oldd Mazotas has been running the race for seven years. He foundef Plannet Group in 2002 to develop network security andmanagement software.
He starte the business after becoming unhappy with the direction of the softwar development company where had he Mazotas decided to focus on developingb a program that could help computer networl managers visually managetheir environment, rather than forcing them to searchy through lines of code for problems. He callexd the program Mission Control and financed Plannetf Groupwith $70,000 from savings and a secondc mortgage. He focused on government clientss – including the city of Columbuw and CuyahogaCounty – because of the large computeer networks they maintain.
Mazotas also moved into the gaminh industry in March after signing a contractwith , owner of the Indianq Live Casino outside Indianapolis. Mission Controp is what attractedCareWorks Technologies, said President Todd Part of the CareWorks Family of Companies, a compensation management company in Dublin, CareWorks Technologiex provides information technology services to a broadee client base than the parent company. Cameron said the additiom of Plannet Group and its services should increases revenue at CareWorks Technologies by 25 percent this year, although he declined to be specificc about either company’s financials.
“We hope it grows exponentiallytafter that,” Cameron said. “(Mazotas) doesn’t have a sales team at all andwe do. It’s a diamond in the Mazotas said the lack of a sales team athis 10-employee company was one of the reasonws he decided to sell. He said the firm reachec a “tipping point” in early 2008 after hearingf interest from other companies looking to purchaserPlannet Group, including one from out of state. “Should we continure as we were or take the next Mazotas said. “We wantedx to get (Plannet Group) to the maturity that couldf be found by linking up with a companylike CareWorks.
” It’d fortunate for the region and its tech community that a loca company bought Plannet Group, said Ted Ford, CEO of , the industru advocacy group that housed Plannetg Group at its business incubator from 2005 to 2008. “If you definre success as keeping jobs in the area and continuinb with a foundation for then this isa success,” Ford said. “Thre goal is to grow technologtyjobs here, and Columbue is becoming a very good place to do that sort of All of Plannet Group’s Hilliard-based employees have joinecd CareWorks in Dublin and, over the next likely will be joined by five to 10 hires, Cameronj said.
Those jobs likely will pay between $70,000 and $100,000 a While Mazotas is joining CareWorks, he does so as a consultant. His primarh focus will be on his nextventure . Mazotas is building OnGuard around a behavioralo analysis security tool that flagsw suspicious patterns that could harm a computer A patent is being sought onthe technology, Mazotas and CareWorks Technologies has invested in the new business. By the time the producgt is ready for general releasein 2010, Mazotas hoped to have a 25- to 30-workedr payroll. Mazotas hopes he will be tellin g a similar story a yearfrom now. “It just goes to show that littld guys can have a home he said. “Even in this economy.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

GM Tonawanda hosting recycling event - Sacramento Business Journal:
The one-day event June 6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Plantt 5 on Vulcan Street, is co-sponsored by Erie Buffalo and the Northwest Solid Waste Management Last year’s event received 56,325 pounds of electronicv equipment, 247 bicycles and a truck full of Electronics equipment is a source of recycle lead, steel, plastic, copper and Items being accepted this year TVs, computers, monitors, keyboards, printers, fluorescent cell phones, rechargeable batteries, VCRs, and DVD clothing, textiles, and bicycles. Clothing and textiles will be reusex at Goodwill retail locationsor recycled. Bicycles will be used for bike safety education or recycledf by Blue Bicycleand Recycle-a-Bicycle programs.
New for this Buffalo ReUse will accept used or new shop andgarden tools, such as rakes, ladders, wheelbarrows, hammers and saws. “Thias is a natural extension of what we do at Plant Manager Steve Finch said ina “Our plant has been landfill-fre e in manufacturing since 2006. We recycle or reuser all of our waste, so this eventt to help the community recycle is a natural fit for us atGenerap Motors,” he said.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Analysis: Defying doomsayers, China to avoid Japan-style bubble - Chicago Tribune

Analysis: Defying doomsayers, China to avoid Japan-style bubble

Chicago Tribune

Whether China succeeds in avoiding an economic crash depends on how far it can turn its maturing, export-driven economy into one more geared to services and domestic consumption, a transition the World Bank says must happen well before 2030.

and more »

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Charlotte lands HQ - Charlotte Business Journal:
Sources confirm that , a division of Netherlands Antilles-based N.V., has leased 7,5009 square feet of office space in the Huntersville Businessz Park and is working on an agreemeng with Wake Forest University to set up a researchn and developmentplant there. The headquarters of the 370-employee company is movingy from Richardson, Texas. Orthofix's medical-device manufacturing operation will remain in Richardson, where the companyg employs about 215 people. The Huntersvilled office will employ about25 people, including salew staff, and will be headed by the recentl hired president of Orthofix, Charles who also is a senior vice president of Orthofix International.
Federico says details for bothmovea aren't finalized, but local sources say the Huntersville leasde has been signed. Federicp confirms he was in Huntersville March 25 reviewing the The Winston-Salem move "is still in the investigation he says. In a writtenh statement, Orthofix acknowledged its "intention to increase its researcb and development expenditures and creatw an environment for enhanced research withseveral U.S. The U.S. subsidiary is in discussions with several universities regardingresearcg partnerships, the release says.
Federicko joined Orthofix last October aftef 15 yearswith arthroscopic-device kingpin Dyonics of Andover, Local commercial real estate sources say Federick was "very impressed" with the Huntersville Business Park after visitint it two years ago while lookingt for a relocation spot for Dyonics when it was known as Smith & Nephew Dyonicsw Inc. The park was apparently on his mind when Orthofixx International recently decided to restructuree and downsize itsTexas operation, wher sources say it has excess space and has alreadyy leased out half of its Richardsoh office facility.
Orthofix International manufactures braces and other devices to set brokenn limbs and expedite healing ofbone injuries. It also supplies partx and accessories forits products. The compang does business in 70 countries, with 40% of its sales cominf in the United States. According to financia analysispublication Morningstar, Orthofix is the leadintg manufacturer of external fixation devices for fractures and limb lengthening by having doubled its product line since becoming incorporated in 1987. The company, which has struggleds financially at times inits 10-year history, reported revenuews exceeding $77 million for 1996, up 48% compared with more than $52 millionh for 1995.
The increased sale s were largely attributed to the inclusion of the results of the former American MedicalElectronics Inc., which was acquirex by Orthofix International in August 1995 and renamed Orthoficx Inc. A company release dated Marcu 13 indicatesthat Federico's appointment prompted a revieqw of all of Orthofix'z North American operations, resulting in a "significant of its business in the United States.
The release goes on to say that its salezs force was being reorganizedto "focuzs more on individual business and that it would expand its sales force from 67 to 105 by "The company expects the restructuring to be substantiallyg completed by the end of the firsgt quarter 1997," according to the release.

Friday, October 19, 2012

NESPAK has undertaken 3300 uplift projects at home, abroad: MD - Pakistan Daily Times

NESPAK has undertaken 3300 uplift projects at home, abroad: MD

Pakistan Daily Times

NESPAK has undertaken 3,300 uplift projects at home, abroad: MD. LAHORE: NESPAK, a leading organisation of consulting engineers, has set a new record by executing 3,300 engineering projects at home and abroad since its establishment in 1973.

and more »

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kreidler bans sellers of unauthorized travel insurance - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler's office issuecd cease-and-desist orders naming of Wisconsinand Philadelphia-based Insuranced Company of North America. The commissioner's Consumer Protectiohn Division found ina three-month investigation that Travel Guars is not an authorized insurance company in and the insurance policies and rates it has offered were not approvesd by the state. Travel Guard as an insurance ageny has sold a variety of unapproved travel insurance productssince 1997, Kreidler said.
Last Travel Guard sold 120,00o travel insurance policies to Washington Kreidler ordered Travel Guard to quit representinf itself as an insurer or insurance compant toWashington residents. In addition, the order prohibita Travel Guard from soliciting Washington residents to purchase its unapprovefinsurance protection. Insurance Company of North America, which holdsa the license to sell Travelp Guard insurancein Washington, was ordered to stop soliciting Washingtonb residents to buy insurance coverage not approved by the Insurance Commissioner's Office.
Although the companies are banned from sellingnew policies, the companies still must honor thoses they already have sold, Kreidler said.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Industry veteran Trish Hanchette will head up Lennar
Hanchette served four year as president ofKB Home’s Triangle division beforse she left the company in Decembet after a restructuring of management. Prior to joiningh KB, she was division president ofColony Homes. She is an actives board member for the Raleigh Wake County Home Builders Associatiohn and the Raleigh Chambertof Commerce. “We are extremely honores to benefitfrom Trish’s insights, expertise and vast knowledge of the home-building industry in this market,” said Sam Sparks, presidentg of Lennar’s southeast region. “Trish is an exceptional leaded with a long list of achievements andcommunityh involvement.
Our company firmly believes she will make an excellenr addition to the team and has the energyg and experience to lead the Raleigh division to anew Lennar, which has its headquarterds in Miami, Fla., maintained its No. 11 rankingf among the largest residential builders in the Trianglein 2008, having completed 205 homex valued at a total of $49.7 million, accordingy to a recent Triangle Businese Journal survey. KB Home dropped from No. 1 to No. 3 in its rankinv of Triangle home buildersin 2008, having completed 515 homesx valued at $119 million.
Hanchettr will oversee land acquisition, lot home-building activities as well as sales and marketint for the LennarRaleigh

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mark Purdy: San Francisco Giants can't seem to solve home field hex - San Jose Mercury News

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Source: NCR to move headquarters, 1,300 jobs to Georgia - Charlotte Business Journal:
The (NYSE: NCR) will move its headquartersw and 1,250 jobs to Duluth, Ga., as well as openinv a 550,000-square-foot manufacturing operation in Macon, Ga., that will emplou up to 880 people. Officialsa for NCR, which has 1,300 workers in Dayton, couldd not be immediately reached for commentMondaty night. An official from Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland'd office, who spoke to the Dayton Business JournalMondaty night, said NCR’s CEO Bill Nuti told Stricklanc that the company has been eyeing Georgia for some time now. The , with local official s expressing frustration that the company was not responding to their Georgia Gov.
Sonny Perdue is expectex to make the official announcement Tuesda y with NCR receiving tax incentivesx from the local officialsin Georgia. “They (NCR) can’t recruit talentf to move to Dayton, a source told the Montgomery County CommissionerDan Foley, sounding stunne d when reached Monday night, decline d comment. In the letter Strickland sent to NCR dated Mondaty and obtained by the Dayton Business the governor said he wastryintg “to take one last opportunity to urge you to continure your operations in Ohio.” In the letter, Ohio offersz NCR $31.1 million worth of incentives to keep the operationsw here.
Strickland's spokesperson declineed official comment until the announcementis NCR's departure would leave a vacant 1.3 million-square-foot, five-storyh office building near Dayton's downtown that is already hurting from high vacancyt rates and jobs that have been leavingh the city during the past severalp years. The loss of 1,300 high-paying jobs from the city will have a negativee impacton Dayton's incomed tax receipts at a time when the city has facesd multi-million dollar budget deficits that have caused it to reduc e its workforce and cut services.
Rashax Young, Dayton city manager, said the city reachedr out to NCR multiple times in recent and that the city did all it couldx to engagethe company. Ohio State Sen. Jon Husted, said he will retain hope untikl the company makes anofficial announcement. “We have on multiple occasions reached out to NCR in an attempr to identify ways to securee their jobs and grow and be successful in Husted saidMonday evening. “I am not willinhg to give up hope.” Phil Parker, president and CEO, left a voice message after business hours for a reporterd Monday saying he had no Toni Bankston, director of marketing and communications for the Dayton did not return calls seekingy comment.
The Dayton Chamber is one of the lead private groups in the city responsible for retention ofexistinb companies. In October, NCR said it wouled move its Worldwide Customer Services headquarterws to anAtlanta suburb, investing $15 million and creatingy more than 900 jobs in the suburbs of Peachtrewe City and Deluth. The stated of Georgia provided morethan $8 milliob in incentives, according to officials. NCR, foundesd locally in 1884, is the Daytobn region’s second largest company, with 20,000 global employeesd and $5.3 billion in revenue in 2008.
The which sells ATMs and retailautomation systems, is Dayton’d lone remaining Fortune 500 At one time, the companuy had more than 18,000 employees in the Dayton but that number has dwindled during the past severakl decades. As recently as two years ago, NCR had aboutr 2,000 Dayton employees. That number has declined by about 700 workersssince 2007. In 2007, NCR announced it was relocating its executive offices to New York City and leasinfg an entire floor of the 7 World TradeCenter But, on paper, its headquarters remainee in Dayton.
In the company also told employees it is undergoinf a structural reorganization and would cut an unknown amounrt of its global Thatsame month, the company removed the languagre “world headquarters” from the sign at its Daytobn campus, though it said at the time it was just

Mark Purdy: San Francisco Giants can't seem to solve home field hex

San Jose Mercury News

SAN FRANCISCO -- Meet the new playoff series. Same as the old playoff series. At least so far. Which is not good. The Giants began their pursuit of a National League championship here Sunday night in the same ill-advised fashion that they began their ...

and more »

Modesto Bee

Sacramento weather looking warmer, drier for the weekend

Sacramento Bee

A few raindrops fell in Sacramento this morning as low cloud cover blanketed the v »

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Realtors to launch foreclosure courses - Charlotte Business Journal:
The group gave the $3,200 to host a foreclosure and shorftsales course. And the was given $8,05 to develop a course and DVD for consumers and agents on the legalo risks associated with foreclosuree andshort sales. also was awarded $6,000 to host a Realtord training course on helping consumerds who are behind ontheir mortgages. The national association gave out morethan $3 million to different city association to help resolve the growing foreclosure “Realtors build communities, and as the leadingh advocate for homeownership and housingt issues, we believe that any family that losesx its home to foreclosure is one family too NAR President Charles McMillan, a broker with in Dallas-Forf Worth.
“Foreclosures affect each community differently, which is why NAR is providingv the Foreclosure Prevention and Response grants directly to local and stats Realtor associations so that they candevelop unique, coordinaterd action plans to prevent foreclosures and minimizd their adverse effects on the community.”

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New owner surfaces in latest Filene
Alan Cohen, Filene’s chief restructuring officer, confirmed Monday afternoomn that Secaucus, N.J.-based Syms (NASDAQ:SYMS) and New York-based Vornadoo (NYSE:VNO) agreed to pay about $63 million for the chain. A couryt hearing is set for Wednesday to approve the Cohen said. The auction, which begann Friday and was continued to took place about a week after an affiliat eof Men’s Wearhouse (NYSE:MW) agreed to buy the chain for $67 million. But Crown Acquisitions, the companu that was first in line tobuy Filene’sx assets, filed an objectiomn to the sale with allegations that Men’s Wearhouse didn’t follow bidding procedures.
Crown in court filings described the first auctio asa “travesty.” A judge sent the deal back for auctionh following Crown’s objection. It wasn’t clearf Monday if Syms and Vornado would acquirw allof Filene’s stores. Both Men’s Wearhouse and Crownb had planned to acquire and keep open a butnot all, of Filene’s locations. The compan has two Ohio stores, including one in Filene’s Basement sought protection from creditors in May in Delawarewbankruptcy court, months after closing severakl stores. Columbus-based (NYSE: RVI), which maintains a majoritg stake in discount shoeretailer (NYSE:DSW), sold the chain this year to FB II Acquisition Corp.
, a new entity ownefd by liquidation and turnaround firm Buxbaum Group.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Eastenders actress Corinne Skinner Carter AKA landlady Audrey Trueman to ... - Your Local Guardian

Eastenders actress Corinne Skinner Carter AKA landlady Audrey Trueman to ...

Your Local Guardian

Former Eastenders actress Corinne Skinner Carter will present her memoirs in Croydon this month as part of Black History Month. Carter, who plated landlady Audrey Trueman, will be signing copies of her book, Why Not Me? From Trinidad to Albert Square ...

and more »

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Toronto-based tour bus carrying 57 passengers flips in New Jersey, 19 hurt - New York Daily News

New York Daily News

Toronto-based tour bus carrying 57 passengers flips in New Jersey, 19 hurt

New York Daily News

Passengers look on after their bus overturned in a ditch at an exit ramp off Route 80 in Wayne, N.J. Saturday, Oct. 6, 2012. The chartered tour bus from Toronto carrying about 60 people overturned on an interstate exit ramp. Three people have been ...

New Jersey bus crash injures 23

Los Angeles Times

Bus overturns on NJ exit ramp; 19 hurt

Tour Bus With 60 Passengers Overturns in New Jersey

ABC News

Huffington Post -Toronto Star -CBS News


Friday, October 5, 2012

Waterstones mocks ebooks with 'good bookshop' push - Marketing

The Drum

Waterstones mocks ebooks with 'good bookshop' push


Ros Hines, marketing director at Waterstones, said: "We have a powerful brand, and we should be using that to get over powerful messages that do more than simply promote individual books, but remind people just how good being in a bookshop is and how ...

Waterstones begins new branding push

The Bookseller

Waterstones launches new ad campaign

Retail Gazette

Waterstones promotes the importance of books in new campaign with Leagas ...

The Drum


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Local celebrity Karen Keith to take on Tulsa Run 5k - Tulsa World

Local celebrity Karen Keith to take on Tulsa Run 5k

Tulsa World

Celebrity runner Karen Keith (right) works out at the Hillcrest Fitness Center with help from Hillcrest Medical Center exercise physiologist Jessie Smith. CORY YOUNG / Tulsa World. By SARA PLUMMER World Staff Writer Published: 10/4/2012 1:46 AM ...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Unions protest Target Center project - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Roofers and Waterproofers Local 96 recently filed a National Labor Relations Board complaintagainst Fridley-based Stock Roofing, a subsidiary of Skokie, Ill-based Tecta America The union is complaining that the contractor has been engaging in unsafe and unfaidr labor practices at the $5.3 million project, approvecd by the Minneapolis City Council in Decembert and scheduled for completiom in July. “We understand that cities need to save said Local 96 Business ManagerRob “But they also have a duty to protecg workers on publicly funded projects by ensuringg contractors aren’t cutting corners.
” Stocm Roofing's president and general managedr couldn’t immediately be reached for comment. The uniom is complaining that work has taken placd at night with insufficient lightinv and impropersafety harnessing. Mike Christenson, Minneapolis' communityy planning and economicdevelopment director, said he firsft heard of the union's complaints on April 20. He said the federakl Occupational Safety and Health Administration had and there had been no negative findings from the Christenson said the city is prompt about responding to complaints about itswork "We will continue to field any and all complaints and we will respondx immediately," he said.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Convera trims loss, boosts revenue in 4Q - Washington Business Journal:
The company reported a net lossof $7 million or 13 centzs a share, for the three months ended Jan. 31, comparef to a net loss of $9.7 or 18 cents a for the same periodlast year. Revenus for the fourth quarter was an increaseof $163,000 over the comparable year-ag o period. For the year, Vienna-baseds Convera reported a net lossof $ 9.1 million, or 17 centx per share, compared to a net loss of $44.u8 million, or 86 centw per share, for the previous year. Salees for the year were $1.1 compared to $269,000 in the previous The annual results includea $17.9 million gain recognizef on the sale of the company's RetrievalWare which closed Aug. 9, 2007.
Convera announced in April 2007 that it would sell the businessfor $23 millioh to focus on its growing search-enginde business for publishers. Convera (NASDAQ: expects further improvement soon. In its earnings Patrick Condo, chief executive officer of said: "We are pleased with the progresw we are making inacquiring customers, launching sitex and increasing the traffic on our We expect to see the financiall results of this effort evidenced in this next fiscal year as the impacrt of our efforts to increase revenud and decrease expenses becomes clear beginning in the firsrt quarter of this fiscal year." Converw said that it held cash and investmentsx as of Jan. 31 totaling $36.
6 million.