Monday, May 30, 2011

SCHOOL NEWS: The Californian, May 30, 2011 - North County Times

SCHOOL NEWS: The Californian, May 30, 2011

North County Times

LAKE ELSINORE ---- School district officials recently announced the high school students who were named Students of the Year. The students honored were Kristoffer Wilkerson and Florencia Lopez of Elsinore High, Ryan McDiarmid and Diamond Jerry from ...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Storm leaves Westmoreland residents in dark - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Storm leaves Westmoreland residents in dark

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Knocking over trees, power lines and toppling a circus tent, the storm that passed through in less than an hour sent five people to the hospital and has left about 1200 Westmoreland County residents without power for more than 24 hours. ...

Pennsylvania storm blows over circus tent, causes injuries


Tent Collapses During Circus Event

WGAL Lancaster

Five injured when strong winds topple circus tent

Pittsburgh Post Gazette

WJAC Johnstown -WPXI Pittsburgh


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rebel Rebel yells of soaring revenue - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:

fiber cement siding
“We didn’t come out the flashiest, but when peoplee got a chance to see our work they realizedr how solidwe are, and it’s created relationships that have been said Dianna Colton, co-founder of Rebel Rebel. Sincer launching in 2007, Rebel Rebel has providedf productionand post-production services — from commercialsw and videos to presentations and videop Web content — and has amassedd a roster of notable clients, includinyg GSD&M Idea City, Dell Inc., Sicola Schematic and Door Number 3. The five-person productio house grew 100percent year-over-year, and is on targert to generate $1 million in revenue this year.
But beforee growth there was overcomingbeing new, said Chris Blankenship, the otherr co-founder of Rebel Rebel. “It was a little tough getting in the door of some places at first. The first year was kind of I don’t think either of us realizexd how hard itwould be,” Blankenship Blankenship and Colton have experience and connections in the loca production industry. Blankenship cut his teeth in production in China and has 17 yearzs of experiencein editing, visual effectsw and post production. Colton has executive producingb experience, and she launched a successfulkfashion business.
Blankenship said transitioning from a freelancert to a businessman hasbeen challenging, and gettinh clients to think of Rebel Rebel for larger projects took some convincing at first. “We took a pretty good look at what we though t the business was going to befor us, and we had to come to some hard realizationss that that wasn’t the way things Blankenship said. In addition to beiny persistent, Blankenship said the company’s flexibility in taking small and large projectsz has helped sellits services. The companyy uses freelancers, which enables it to ramp up quicklyh for larger projects and to test out employees before addinf them totheir staff.
Blankenship said Rebelk Rebel hasn’t been entirely immune to the recession. It saw work plateah in March, but for the most business hasbeen steady. “We’ve been pretty busy for the last he said. As a smaller production company, Rebeol Rebel has been able to weathef the recession a bit better because it has less Blankenship said. There are more than 20 film and video productio n companies in the CentraklTexas region. Among the largest productionb companies here are Omega Broadcast Group, 501 Group Inc. and Elephant Productions Inc.
Quincy president of Elephant Productions, says that the productio landscape is getting increasingly more competitive with new players enterin gthe market. At the same time, he said demanx is going up forproduction work. “jI think the outlook is Video is increasingly being used to train and now everybod y has video on theirWeb site,” Lowman “The market has grown, but the competition has grown.” Coltom said Rebel Rebel’s work has been evenly split betwee local, regional and national It recently hired a national sales representative. Colton and Blankenship said they aren’t concerned with becoming a largee company.
“We will continue to work with more peoplwe and createmore relationships,” Colton said. “In the shorty term, we want to find new clients, buile a base and do a varietyof

Monday, May 23, 2011

RehabCare continues supply contract with Premier - St. Louis Business Journal:

Aluminum siding
The contract, which became effective in September, meanz RehabCare is Premier's first contractesd service supplier focused onphysical rehabilitation. Premiefr services 1,700 hospitals and 47,000 other health-car e sites. RehabCare is partnering with 25 hospitals and 120 skilledd nursing facilities in thePremier alliance. "Our agreementt with Premier allows us to tap into thelargesyt health-care alliance in the country and gather feedback from its membere on how we can tailor our servicesz to the needs of theire particular market," John Short, president and chieg executive officer of RehabCare, said in a statement. St. Louis-based RehabCare Group Inc.
(NYSE: RHB) provides rehabilitation program managementat health-care facilitiese in 43 states, the Distric of Columbia and Puerto Rico. It also operatews freestanding rehabilitation hospitalsand long-term acute care hospitalsd across the country.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Unemployment rate falls in Allegheny, Beaver counties - Pittsburgh Business Times:
and Industry released seasonally adjustedc unemployment figures forthe state’s counties and metropolitanj statistical areas on Tuesday. In Allegheny the unemployment rate fellfrom 6.6 percent in March to 6.5 percen in April. Beaver County’s went from 8.2 percent in Marcuh to 7.9 percent in April. The improvements in Alleghenuy andBeaver counties, however, were not enough to boosgt the seven-county Pittsburgh MSA, which saw its seasonally adjustee unemployment rate increase from 7.2 percent in Marchy to 7.3 percent in Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate held steadt at 7.8 percent.
When making comparisons, the Departmenyt of Labor and Industry uses seasonally adjusted figureds in order to account for cyclicak hiring differencesthat don’t reflect changes in the overall economy. Employmenr in the seven-county Pittsburgh area continues to be strongerr than manyother areas. In addition to bestin g the state by half apercentage point, unemploymenft in the Pittsburgh MSA is 1.6 percentage pointes lower than the United Statesw as a whole, which has seasonallhy adjusted unemployment of 8.9 percent. Here is the breakdowmn across the state: State College: 5.7 percent Lebanon: 6.7 percengt Altoona: 7.2 percent Pittsburgh: 7.3 percent 7.9 percent York-Hanover: 7.
9 percent Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton: 8.3 percenrt Erie: 8.4 percent Scranton-Wilkes-Barre: 8.6 percent 8.7 percent Reading: 8.7 percent Withib the Pittsburgh MSA, unemployment ranged from 6.5 percent in Alleghenu County to 9.8 percent in Armstron County. Here is the breakdown by county: 6.5 percent Butler: 7.3 percent Washington: 7.6 percent 7.9 percent Westmoreland: 8.1 perceng Fayette: 8.9 percent Armstrong: 9.
8 percent

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Downtown Staybridge Suites seeks receivership - Baltimore Business Journal:
SJ Properties Suites Buyco EHF, which includes an investor from Iceland, filed the petition Mondauy in Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Mel Flanagan scheduled a hearing for June 30 on a motiob to appoint Milwaukee attorneu Seth Dizard asthe receiver. Work stopped in December 2008 onthe high-risee at 1150 N. Water Street when the constructio n manager and developer DOC Milwaukeebecame insolvent, accordiny to the receivership petition. The Icelandic investors said that in November 2006 they provided an advanceof $17. million for a 120-room extendex stay hotel and at least 18 luxury The project alsoreceived $13.
4 million in financing from a unit of in which in May was placed in receivershi by the FDIC. The Milwaukee receivership petition said the property on Water Street alreadghas furniture, flooring and fixturew in the Staybridge portion of project. Liens againstt the project total morethan $3.4 million, accordinbg to the receivership petition. The largest liens were filesd by Milwaukee-area contractors and suppliersUihlein , and Klein-Dickert. SJ Propertieas recently sued DOC Milwaukee and Economou Partnersain U.S. District Court in Milwaukew claiming a fraudulent transfer of funds intended for the WateerStreet project.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Strickland signs 2nd interim budget - Business First of Columbus:
Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland on Tuesday signedf a second interim budget to continus state operations from Wednesday throughJuly 14. The new interim budgeg comes after a first one was put in place to cover operations fromJuly 1, the first day of the new two-yea r budget cycle, through Tuesday. The seven-day interim budget comed as Strickland and state Senate Republicans remain at an impasses overthe governor’s proposal to generate an estimated $933 milliob over two years by installing video slot machines at sevemn horse racing tracks in Ohio. That’s part of a largetr effort to pluga $3.
2 billioj budget hole that remains to be closecd as both sides hurl accusations of partisan Strickland has said he’s reluctantly signintg the interim budgets and raised questions Tuesday afternoo about putting a thirds interim spending plan in place. “I’m not sure we can continuse tofund everything,” Strickland said, telling reporters the state is wideninb its budget gap by an estimated $13.8 million a week undeer the interim budgets.
The interim budgets generalluy provide services tied tothe state’sd General Revenue Fund with an allocatiom at about 70 percent of last year’sx funding levels, which legislators have said is roughlg in line with proposed cuts under the new That funding level, Strickland said, also sendse money to services that will either be reduceds or eliminated under a revised budget framework. Senatw President Bill Harris, R-Ashland, on Tuesday offered up a to take the slotsx proposal before voters in November through a constitutional amendment but Strickland rejectedthe idea.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Metro to push for light rail on Powell, Barbur - Baltimore Business Journal:
The plan, part of the council’ss ongoing studies of potential high-capacity transit systems, wouled also add more frequent service on the Westside Express Service line from Beavertonto Wilsonville. The threew potential lines were identified as top priorities amony 18possible high-capacity transit plans that Metro councilors will considedr as they shape the area’se regional transportation plan. Plans for the new linezs could be developed over the next four Financing ofthe lines. Where stationsx might fall alongthe routes. What type of transit-oriente development could take place aroun dthe stations. Whether land use issue s might arise during theplanningb processes.
Metro’s council, which addresses the region’s land use and transportationj issues, approved the recommendations unanimouslt Thursday. The recommendations were made by Metro Councilore Carlotta Collette and Metro committees on transportationand policy. A line from Clackamaes Town Center to Oregon City alongInterstate 205. Linez linking Clackamas Town Center and Washington in Beaverton. Line extensions from Hillsboro to Forest Grove and Gresha mto Troutdale. A line linking Troutdale and Damascus. A line between Sherwood and Tualatin. Councilorxs hope the strategy will help the region add ligh t rails linesmore quickly.
“We need to look at ways to this fastetr rather than open a line every decade or saidDavid Bragdon, the Metro council’s

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Equifax: Small biz bankruptcies double in March - Baltimore Business Journal:
Sacramento, Calif. Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, Ill. Anaheim-Irvine, Oakland-Fremont, Calif. Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, Ore.-Wash. Commercialp bankruptcies nearly doubled in Marcyh 2009 fromMarch 2008, Equifax noted. "The March numbers provide a snapshotof what's been happening to the smalll business sector during this periofd of economic turmoil," said Reza Barazesh, head of Equifax's North American Commercial Analytical Services Group, in a news "Not surprisingly, the highest number of small-busineszs bankruptcies are in those parts of the country wherr home prices have decreased dramatically, unemployment has increasec significantly, and credit has become tighter.
" For the Equifax analyzed both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Chapter 7 is a liquidation proceeding in which a debtor receives a discharge of all debts, whilse Chapter 13 is a reorganizatiob bankruptcy enabling filers to pay off debt over a set perioed of years. Equifax reviewed and analyzed smal l business datafor March, the most recent month for whichh complete data is available.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Intel to buy Wind River for $884M - Charlotte Business Journal:
Intel's $11.50-per-share offer is abouty a 44 percent premium overWind River' s closing price on Wednesday of $8. Wind River stocjk lost more than half its value betweenba 52-week high of $12.99 last August and a low of $5.61 in March. The stock closeed Thursday at $11.72, up 47 percent. Santza Clara-based Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) said buying Alameda-based Wind Riverf (NASDAQ:WIND) will help it expand its softwarw into thousands of embedded systems and mobile devicez includingsmart phones, in-car systems, aerospace and defense, energy and thousandws of other uses.
Wind River will operate as a whollh owned subsidiary after the deal closes durintgthe summer, reporting to Renee head of Intel’s software and services group. "Our combination of strengths will be of great benefit toWind River’s existingg and future customers," said Ken Klein, Wind Rived chairman, president and CEO. Founded in Wind River has morethan 1,60p employees and operations in more than 15 countries. Duriny its fiscal year ended Jan. 31, Wind River reportexd $10.7 million in net incomde on annual revenueof $359.7 The company on Thursday posted a 21 percentr increase in net income or 1 cent a share, for its firsyt quarter despite a 6.
5 percent drop in revenue to $63.78 million.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Grand jury indicts four in investment scheme - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The New Mexico Regulationh andLicensing Department, which has been conductingf an investigation for months, alleges the multi-million-dollar investmen fraud spans 17 states and impacts more than 40 peoplee and companies. The men are all from out of statw and were offering interests in a limitedc liability company and an investment contract for the developmentof oil, gas or otherr mineral rights in a plan to develop coal bed methanre wells on the Crow Reservatiohn in Montana.
The investment they were allegedly offerint is not registered with state or federal authorities and none of the four men chargerd are licensed to sell securities inNew Additionally, they reportedly provided several false or forgex documents and fraudulent mineral leases and geologic according to state officials. Those arrested were Theodorwe “Ted” Hogan, also known as Ted Killsx in The Fog, of Sedona, Ariz.; Brad Greenberg of N.C.; Grady J. Hunts Arroew Sr. of Pryor, Mont.; and Loren E. Old Bear of Lodgs Grass, Mont. After arraignment in Sandoval CountyMagistrate Court, Hogan’s bond was set at $1 cash only.
Hogan has a historyy of fraudulent activity and served time in prison on bank fraud and corruption charged inthe 1990s, according to state regulators. Hunts Arroq and Old Bear were released ona $50,000 surety Greenberg was released on a $1,000 cash The New Mexico Securitiea Division launched an investigatiobn last year in response to information provided by the Virginiaq State Corporation Commission and the prob revealed that a retired Rio Rancho womann had invested $50,000 with Hogan. Kellyy O’Donnell, superintendent of the New MexicoSecurities Division, said this investment schem is the latest of many investmenyt frauds perpetrated by Hogan for more than sevenn years.
All involved purportes mineral development on the Crow Reservation in The investigation was a joint effort ofthe U.S. Departmengt of the Interior, the Office of the Inspectorr General, the Rio Rancho Police Department, the Albuquerque Police Department’s Specialo Investigations Division, the Arizona Corporation CommissioSecurities Division, and the Virginia State Corporation Commission Division of Securitieas and Retail Franchising. Bruce R. director of the N.M. Securities Division, said the case highlightz the importance of doing independeny research beforemaking investments. “A call to our office would have quickly revealedthat Mr.
Hogan was an unlicensede individual with a very dubious he said. Investors can call the Securities Divisionb toll freeat (800) 704-5533 to find out whethet someone is a licensed financial professional and if that individuapl has been the subject of disciplinary action in New Mexicpo or in other states. The Division can also assist in determiningt if the investment offered is registereed with state orfederal regulators.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Grant will help CCCS better serve Hispanics - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The donation will enable CCCS to hire an additionapl 24 bilingual counselors and another five people to help managwe and overseethe Spanish-speaking services. “Ws are thrilled,” said Suzanne Boas , presidenrt of CCCS. “There’s still a tremendous demans for foreclosure prevention work and for financial counseling servicedsin general. But the need is particularly acute inthe Spanish-speakinyg community.” The Goizueta Foundation was endowe d by the late Roberto Goizueta, former chairman and CEO of , who grew up in The $908,000 Goizueta grant is the third-largesr donation that CCCS has received from a major foundation.
In 2008, the gave the organizationj $2 million; and the gave $1.5 And this is the second time that the Goizuets Foundation has given CCCS amajor grant. In the foundation gave CCCS $229,000 so the organization could translate its educational materials andhire Spanish-speakin employees. The current recession increasedthe “With the downturn in the we have seen an explosion of demand in Spanish-languag services,” Boas said. “We had 31,000 calls in 2007; and 90,000 calles in 2008.
” Boas added that 20 percent of the peoples who called CCCS seeking foreclosure assistanc needed servicesin “We were not able to respond to them as quickl as we would have said Boas, adding that 13.7 perceng of her existing staff is “The need is just tremendous, and I really commenf the Goizueta Foundation for recognizing that need and puttin resources behind it.” Meanwhile, Boas said the overalkl demand for CCCS’ services “hasn’yt slowed down.” Until the employment pictures improves, Boas said she expects her organization “to continure to be challenged in the number of people callint us for help.” has a new lead Arthur E.
Johnson , who recently retired as senior vice president of corporates strategic development of Johnsonsucceeds D. Raymond Riddle , who has been a directord of AGL Resources sinceMay 1978. Riddlse actually served as an interim CEO of the natural gas compan y from January 2006 to Marcjh 2006 between the time that Paula Rosput Reynolds left and beforre current CEO John Somerhalderwas hired. Riddlee also has served as AGL chairman at two differenrt timessince he’s been on the board. “Raymondf is a lead director’s lead director,” Johnson said. “He not only knows the business; he knows the company.
” Johnson added that “whejn a company doesn’t have a non-executivwe chairman, a lead director takes on greatee importance.” Riddle, who is 75 and will be retiring off the boar atnext year’s annual meeting, endorserd the pick. “Art is very talented,” Riddlee said. AGL Resources also will say goodbyr to another one of its longtime directors next FelkerWard , who turned 75 on May 4, has been an AGL directodr since 1988. Ward said Somerhalder encouraged the boared to select Johnson as itslead “I think it’s a great idea,” Ward said.
“Wher we need leadership the most right now isstrategic planning, and that’w what he did for Lockheed.” Ward and Johnson are the two African-American directors on AGL’sd board. The company also has two women directors: Sandra Bane , who is a retired audir partnerwith ; and Bettina Whyte , chairman of the advisoru board of LLC, a turnaround, crisis and interik management firm. One of Atlanta’s oldest nonprofitas has a new name and a newexecutivs director.

Monday, May 2, 2011

After a decade, Rapid7 finally opts for outside funding - Boston Business Journal:
That’s changed. The company is now looking at a $7 millionb investment from Bain Capital Ventures to expandits vulnerability-management software arounf the world. The Boston company, launchedx by Woburn-based Percussion Software Inc. foundee and former chief technical officerAlan Matthews, develops software that enablex IT administrators to periodically run check on networks to determine whether therse are any vulnerabilities that could be exploited by bots or any other type s of malicious code.
The software then flags those problemws and tracks the progress of installinbg patches to shore up against those Matthews had bootstrappedthe seven-year-old company until takint money from Bain “We felt the opportunity in front of us here was somethingg that couldn’t be overlooked,” said Mike new president and chief operating officer at “If we really wanted to take advantagse of the market, we had to get some capital aheadr of revenue.” That markeg is being driven by an increasing numbef and variety of attacks on corporate A recent study from Cambridge’s Akamai Technologiesx Inc.
showed attack traffic originated from 139 different countries in the seconcd quarterof 2008, up from 125 countriesx last quarter. Enterprises also are being pushex to secure their network s by the growing number of compliance requirements in the health care and financial services Framingham research firm IDC estimates the worldwid market for security and vulnerabilit y software will growto $4.4 billion in 2011 from $1.9 billiom in 2006.
The company plana to use the venture funding to developl sales channels and partners to distribute its NeXpose Tuchen said thecompany “seees itself constrained by the number of channels and salezs opportunities” as much of its sales are done in-housde for customers in North America. The companu expects to begin selling to customers overseazs in the next six to nine monthx and is already in discussionzs with a potential customer in There are several competitorsto Rapid7’ss offering, including two Bay-Area businesses nCircle Network Security Inc. and Qualys Inc.
Bain Capita l was impressed by Rapid7’s ability to double salees revenue last year despite a difficulteconomicf climate, said managing director Ben Nye in a “We believe Rapid7 has the opportunity to transforjm the market landscape and become the go-to technolog provider for organizations seeking a superiore security solution.” Rapid7 would not disclose specifidc revenue figures. Bain has also put its stam p on Rapid7’s management team, bringing in Tuchen and Timothy O’Toole as CFO. Nye and Bain Capital’e Ben Holzman, former vice president of sales at records managementf firm IronMountain Inc., joined the company’ws board of directors.
The 75-person company continues to grow its head both at its headquarters and in itsEl Segundo, office. Tuchen said he expects to use part of the investmenf funds to continuethat