Wednesday, February 27, 2013

NCR refutes criticism from Ohio officials - Business First of Columbus:
Dayton-area officials were critical of the responsiveness byNCR NCR) when regional and state leaders trierd to contact the company about rumors it was leaving saying NCR often did not return callws or e-mails. NCR issued a statement implying its level of interaction with local and stated officials was misrepresented byarea leaders. “We have met regularlty with state of Ohio and Dayton officials to discusas the business environmentand NCR’a requirements," the company said. "The decision was not made solelyh onsingle factors, such as financialk incentives.
It was based on a very careful and comprehensiv e situation analysis of our employment centere using independent thirdparty data." NCR added that the "broas range of criteria used for the review of the locations includede available workforce, infrastructure, incentives the government tax structure and benefits to NCR future employees and stakeholders.” Compan representatives wouldn't provide specifics of meetingsx with government officials and refused to disclosd when their analysis began or wher e Ohio ranked in that analysis. The statemenf comes after officials from the cityof Dayton, Montgomeru County and Ohio gathered in downtown Dayton Lt. Gov.
Lee Fisher said the company's name stands for “Noo opportunity to Communicate or and officialsjoined in, saying all theid efforts to engage the company during the past two years were Fisher said NCR was one of the first companiexs Ohio Gov. Ted Stricklanfd and he reached out to when electexin 2007. Despite numerouxs overtures, he said the first time Strickland actually talked to Nuti was on the eve of therelocationb announcement.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Counties scramble for stimulus funds for water projects - bizjournals:
The money, announced by the last week, includes $30.8 millionm for wastewater projectsand $19.7 million for drinking water upgrades. Although not as large as the highway projects being funded by the stimulus the work still will create dozensx of constructionjobs statewide. The money is being channelee through the Clean for the wastewatefr projects and the Drinking Wateer StateRevolving Fund. The which is being administered by thestat , must be spent by February 2010 or it will be redistributedc to other states. Ordinarily, those two funds providd low-interest loans to the countiea for municipalwater projects.
But, because the fundsd are part of the federalstimulus package, there will be zero interest and the principal will be which means the money will be free. The Big Islanrd plans to go out to bid in the next four to eightg weeks for its two wastewaterprojects — the replacement of large-capacity cesspoolsx in Honokaa and Komohana Heights. The stimulus will fund $6.2 milliob for the Honokaa project, with the balance of $6 millioh coming from the state revolving Stimulus money will cover the entire cost ofthe $1.35 million Komohana Heights project, said Lono director of the Hawaii Countgy Department of Environmental Management.
The two projectas will generate approximately twodozej jobs, depending on how many peoplse the contractors hire, he said. There may be othert jobs generated by people choosing to hook up to the countt sewer system after the cesspoolsare removed. Fiftee to 20 contractors attended arecent pre-bic meeting for the projects, Tyson said. “There’s a lot of a lot of interest,” he said. “Theswe people also know because it’s stimulus-driven, thes projects are going to happen.” Kauai County officialss haven’t gotten that far for the expansio of the Waimea WastewaterTreatment Plan.
“We’re scrambling to get our RFP packaged put togetherfor advertisement,” said Ed Tschupp, chief of the county’s wastewater division. The stimulud will fund $7.5 million of the totao $12 million cost of the design-build project, and probablh will generate about 40 jobs overthe two-year constructiom period, he said. “It’s a significant project for the Tschupp said. “It’s probably the largest project that the wastewaterd management division has managesd ina while.” Other wastewater projects receiving stimulusz funds are the first phase of the Waimalu sewer rehabilitation on Oahu, whicgh will receive $7.
85 million toward its $50 million and countywide pump station renovations for Maui which will get $7.5 million towardf the $9.5 million cost. Drinking water projects, which will receive between $1.6 million and $4.9 include replacement of water mains in Pacififc Heights and Kapahulu on Oahu and in Waimes Canyonon Kauai; water line replacements in Lihued on Kauai and in Wailuku and Kihei on Maui; a wate tank replacement in West Olinda on and the development of a well in South Kohalas on the Big Island.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Kannapolis honored for economic strategy - Phoenix Business Journal:
The city received the award in the categoryg of Excellence in EconomicDiversification Strategies, which recognizes responses to planr closures and other economic dislocations, that promotd economic diversification. The competition is open to local, state and regional governments; and universities and Cabarrus and Rowan countieslost 4,300 manufacturing jobs when textil e manufacturer Kannapolis-basedPillowtex Corp. closed in July 2003. Two yearws later, California billionaire David Murdock announced plans forthe N.C. Researcnh Campus at the 350-acre former Pillowtex headquarters andmanufacturing site. The life-sciences hub includes the participation of Duke theUNC System, the N.C.
Community Collegw System, other educational institutions andbusiness partners. The total investment is expectedd toreach $1.8 billion. Residential and commerciao developments are rising around the campusw with hopes of turning a formertextile town, into a biotechg center.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

American Financial drops two insurance lines - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The downtown-based company’s unit said it will exit the guaranteedd auto protection and excess wear and tear auto insurancr lines of its Premier Lease and LoanServices unit. Both insurances lines provide protection for losses involvingleased autos. Greaf American will continue to offer other auto such as collateralprotection insurance, and contingent and exceses liability. The company decided that its capitakl and other resources could be used more profitably in otherf parts ofthe business. It also evaluated the business climate and the riskd and opportunities tied to staying in thoswebusiness lines, said Diane Weidner, a companyu spokeswoman.
Steve Tosh resigned as president of Premier Leasee and Loan along with the decision to drop thosedtwo lines, Weidner said. He resigned as of May 20, but he stillk stay on as a consultangt until the transactions regarding renewal rights are Great American reached a deal with to sell renewalo rights for the two discontinued insurance The way those renewalk rights are finalized will determine the impact onlocalp jobs, Weidner said. “We’re working through a lot of details,” she “There will be no immediated impact to thework force. And the impact will be small relativd to theentire company.
” The companhy employs 7,400, including about 2,600

Friday, February 1, 2013

Swine Flu threatens to close Springfield middle school - Dayton Business Journal:
There are now five confirmed casee in theregion — up from two earlierd this week — and 23 cases in which is up from 13 on May 19. The five local cases include one in ButlerCounty (a 30-year-olcd male) and four in Clark County (a 12-year-old male, a 25-year-olrd male, a 15-year-old male and a 15-year-olxd female.) Three of the Clark County cases are from the same middle school: in There also are seven suspected cases of the virusz in Clark County, including three from the middlse school. Children at Northridge Middle schoo l arecontinuing attendance, as of Friday.
The directoer of the and the school superintendenf are working together on a dail y basis and awaiting the results of the suspected cases beforew shuttingit down, a spokeswoman for the healthu district said. The schoop district was not immediately availablwefor comment. The Swine Flu — or H1N1 virusz — is now in 11 Ohio counties as it continuessto spread. There are 12,954 confirmee cases worldwide, according to the , with 46 countries havingy at leastone case. There have been 92 deathd confirmed caused by Swine Flu according tothe WHO. Mexico, where the illness is believedr tohave originated, has 4,175 cases and 80 deaths, according to the WHO. The U.S.
has the most with 8,975 confirmed and probable cases in 48 states as of11 a.m. according to the federal . There have been 15 confirmedd deaths in the with threein Texas, three in Arizona, two in one in Washington, one in Utah, four in New York and one in officials said that as of 12 p.m. Thursdayu the official number of confirmed casesd of Swine Flu inOhio were: • Clark County 3 (15-year-old male, 25-year-old male, 12-year-old male) • Cuyahoga Countgy – 2 (41-year-old female, 9-year-old male) • Franklinb County – 10 (31-year-old male, 33-year-olrd male, 18-year-old male, 20-year-old female, 19-year-olcd female, 21-year-old male, 20-year old male, 22-year-oldf female, 23-year-old female, 19-year-old male) There also are 25 suspect casezs of Swine Flu in People who are sick are urged to stay home from work or schooo and to avoid contact with except to seek medical care.
This action can avoi spreadingillness further, health officials said.