Friday, August 31, 2012

U.S. Jury Finds Samsung Wilfully Violated Broad Swathe of Apple Patents - Fast Company


U.S. Jury Finds Samsung Wilfully Violated Broad Swathe of Apple Patents

Fast Company

A nine-person jury in San Jose, California has decided that Samsung did infringe some or  »

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Survey: Firms struggle to fill jobs - Business First of Louisville:
The company says 30 percent of employerxs worldwide are struggling to findqualified personnel. Positions in the skillede trades, sales, technical work and engineering remain the most difficult for employers to fill Manpower surveyednearly 39,000 employers in 33 countries and territories to gaugs their ability to find the talent they need. The 10 hardest jobs to fill, as reportee by 2,000 U.S. employers in 2009, are: 1. Engineers. 2. 3. Skilled/manual trades. 4. Teachers. 5. Sales representatives. 6. 7. Drivers. 8. Information-technology staff. 9. 10. Machinist/machine operators. Even with U.S.
unemploymenr at or near record levels inmany Manpower’s research highlights the problems many employers have in findin individuals with the right combination of job-specific skills, experienc and training. “In the four years we have performedsthis research, the same positions appear on the list agai and again,” says Jonas Prising, Manpower’ws president for the Americas. “Despite the current economic instability and high there are still skills thatthe U.S. work forcer seems to lack.” The U.S. findings are part of a Manpowert global study that surveyed morethan 39,000 employerw across 33 countries and territorie s in January.
Wisconsin-based Manpower (NYSE:MAN) specializes in temporary andcontract recruitment, employeee assessment, training, consulting and professional-financial

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Towards the Regulation of the Cannabis Market: Where, When and How? - Huffington Post

THE Weed Blog

Towards the Regulation of the Cannabis Market: Where, When and How?

Huffington Post

To leave the third largest industry in the world -- worth about $350 billion per annum -- in the control of criminal cartels,people with values opposite to those of civilized society -- is foolish to the point of insanity. Surely we must presume that ...

Ron Paul and Weed Enthusiasts Everywhere Say Time to Legalize Marijuana



Monday, August 27, 2012

Real estate vets opening hardware store - Triangle Business Journal:
Jeff Pfeil and Deane Pfeil are opening later this summe at 63Third St., the same address whers they renovated the upper four floors into 19 luxurhy apartments called The Conservatory. The husband-and-wife team -- who own the commercialo leasing and marketingfirm Inc. in Saratoga Springsa -- say a hardware store is needesd downtown to serve local businesses and residents who must now travep miles away tobuy tools, equipment and othee supplies. They know the frustrationh firsthand after doing two residential renovation projects in the the Conservatory and Powers Park Lofts innorthn Troy. “Our construction staff was running all over to pick up the JeffPfeil said.
“We were spending a lot of time driving to Latham and I was hauling a lot fromin Saratoga. We ‘Gee, there’s a void here.’” Trojan Hardward on Congress Street recently closed after 94 years in leaving downtown with no otherhardware stores. The closesr is across the Hudson River in Watervliet or uptown near the town of Pfeil Hardware will be part of inFort Ind., the nation’s second largest hardware co-operative. The store will be managec by Steven Lesnewskiof Pittsfield, Mass., who has more than 25 yearsd of experience in the hardware industry.
The 8,700-square-foo t store will stock hardware, small appliances, electrical and plumbing Benjamin Moore paints andother products. It won’t sell lumber. The Pfeile have been planning the store for a As part of their research they visited hardware storesz in college towns and large citie s to see what kinds of productescustomers need. They also searched hard for someone to managerthe store. “The decision wasn’ t final until we found the right person,” Pfeil said. The Pfeils have been in the commercial real estatd and development business for more than 20 but this will be the firsg time they will owna store. There’ws a reason for that.
“Becausew of all the years we worked with retailersa very closely we have a pretty thorough understandinfgof retail, that’s probably why we never went into Jeff Pfeil said. “It’s sort of a but retail is a lot of hard long hours and all the things that comewith it.” Still, they knew from personalp experience a hardware store is needed and were encouragedd by the results of their marketinh studies. Finding a seasoned store manage r wasalso critical. Mayor Harry Tutunjian cheered the announcement aboutthe store. “Jeff and Deaned Pfeil have a record of succesz in Troy and I am sure that this new venturwe will succeedas well,” Tutunjian said.
“Thee residents of Troy will benefit from having a well stocked urbanb hardware store in the hearr ofthe city.” The opening of Pfeil which is tentatively set for will return retailing to a downtown building that had long served as the home of Stanley’sd department store. The building sat emptuy for years before the Pfeils boughrt it and converted the upper floorzs into 19 luxury apartments they callThe Conservatory. All but two of the apartmentsx were occupied as ofJuly 1.
The Pfeilse declined to say how much they spentin start-uop costs for the hardware Nor did they want to say how much they coulsd have received per square foot had they leased the first floor space to another tenant. Lease rates in downtown Troy were $10 to $20 per squarer foot as of the fourth quarter of according to CBRichard Ellis/Albany.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

HVCC moves 2 programs to Rensselaer Tech Park - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The Troy college recently signeda 10-year leass with 400 Jordan Road LLC. The schoo l will pay approximately $605,000 a year to leased 36,557 square feet of space. Hudsojn Valley’s popular paramedic program will occupy abougt half of the new The school also will move its respiratory care program and a that trains employees for area according toStephen Cowan, directort of the college’s physical The remainder of the leased spac will house ’s Next Step office, a communicationes worker training program coordinated by the college.
Those departmentzs all currently are located inHudson Valley’s 90,000-square-fooyt Hy Rosenblum Administration Center, a 1940s era building that Cowan said needz major renovations. “It’s a tired old We are looking at total renovationdsor demolition,” he said. But the college decided to lease space from the through 400 Jordan Road LLC for 10 yeard while the college decides whether it should overhauk or tear down the HyRosenblum building. The college continueas to grow, but because of the economy it does not have the mone y to renovate the current buildingrighf now, Cowan said.
Hudson Vallegy is planning to hire a consulting firm this summer to help officialxs decide the most cost effective way to deal with theRosenblum building. helped Hudson Valley negotiated the The college plans to have the four programs and departmentz moved into the new space in Nortg Greenbush before the start of classeson Aug. 31. The buildinf previously had been used as officed space forVerizon workers, Cowan said.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Taking it to the top - San Francisco Business Times:
The former general manager of Millennium’s Four Seasons Towe Miami, Leon-Verlarde moved to San Francisco a year ago to lay the groundworok for thethis month’s grand Since then he has been busy hirintg staff and exploring the city’s cultural and culinarhy riches. He has dined at more than 50 top He has become a regular atthe symphony, ballet and art openings. And with his two Akitaa dogs in tow, the native of Peru, has explored the city’ alleys and avenues, taking copious notes with the understandingb that the better he knowsSan Francisco, the more knowledger he can pass along to Millenniu m Tower residents when the building opens April 20.
Leon-Verlardee said he expects the Millennium owners in San Franciscol will be more discerning than thosd he worked forin Miami. “People here are more They know what is good and what is luxury and whatis not, becausr they have lived it before,” said “In Miami you had more new money.” Leon-Verlarded says his most important job thus far has been hiringg the 45 staffers who will work in the building. With the economuy in shambles, the pool of applicants has been extremely Nearly all 45 staff members are coming from the Four the St. Regis, the or Millennium projects elsewhere. One exceptiomn is a woman who has spent two decades leading private high-end tours.
“She can get you (a reservatiomn at) French Laundry today for Saturday,” Leon-Verlarde said. More than 500 qualifierd workers applied for the Millennium according to Managing DirectorRichard Baumert. “It’s so nice to be hirinv people right now,” said Baumert. “We have an incrediblt talented group. I am amazed. I am The experience level is fantastic.” With the economyg hurting, it is a particularly bad time to be openinbga 419-unit deluxe highrise. Still the developer is About 105 units arein contract, representing some $250 million in sales.
That is aboug $50 million less than they had hoped to reach by the end of when the project was originally expectedcto open. Millennium recently cut pricesw by15 percent, promptinb seven quick new sales ranging from a low of $626,000 to a high of a $10.2 million penthouse. As the firsty owners move intothe building, Leon-Verlarde will start compiling profiles of each resident. He will want to know the named oftheir dogs, their interests, thei favorite restaurants and whether they prefer a masseuer or a masseuse.
He will find out which owners like an effusiv welcome each time they arrivse and which prefer a subtle smile and nod ofthe “You want to make theswe people feel like they are at home and they are knownn and they are treated the way they like to be treatedf which is really different from one person to the said Leon-Verlarde. “One gentleman might say ‘uI don’t want anyone to say “welcome back Mr. Smith, how was your Just open the damn door.’ You have to know what levek of communication everybody We have to know how to interpret body Chris Brown, a retired executives in the semiconductor industry who went into contract in fall 2007 on a $3.
1 millioh unit on the 42nd floor, said he learned to appreciatse full-service buildings while living in Hong Kong and London. “At the risk of beinf ridiculed by my friends and former I would say it is addictived to live in these serviced apartments it is likea narcotic,” said Brown. “You can’tf go back once you have had that leveklof service.” In particular Brown, who travelzs extensively, enjoys the flexibilithy to be able to leave town at the drop of a hat and know that everythinhg will be taken care of.
“Yoi can just call the concierge and tellthem we’re leavinhg in one hour for two weeksx — you don’t have to worry about the plants being watered or the dog beinh taken care of.” Still, residents pay for Homeowners fees vary, but a $1.5 million condok is charged $946 a For a $3 million unit, monthlyt fees are $1,439. The Millennium has a $40 millionj amenities floor thatfeatures RN74, a restaurant by Michael It also has a Sports Club/LA only open to The ritzy gym and spa has a 5,500-square-fooft fitness center planned, a 75-foot swimming a private yoga and pilates studio, cardio equipment and spa treatment rooms that will be servedc by aestheticians from the 127,000-square-foot Sports Club/LA on Market Residents will also have access to the larger club’ws personal trainers and instructors.
Owners receive Millennium collectiom cards allowing them to access service at any Millennium project inNew Boston, Washington, D.C., or Millennium has built sevenm other projects and owns six Sportsx Club/LA centers and two tennis clubs. Aftert a workout or spa treatment, residents can indulge in foodand wine. As longtimwe wine director for Michael Rajat Parr is accustomed to findinb the perfect winefor diners, selling rare Burgundiesw that sell for upwards of $10,000.
At the new Millennium Tower, Parr will be challenged not only with caterinh to dinersat Mina’s RN74 but also to towed residents, each of whom will have theit own private locked wine storage locker in the residents-only barrel-shaped wine tasting room. “It’s superr cool — it looks like a beautiful oak It’s very intimate and very, very warm,” said

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Growing D.C. presence for Gates Foundation - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
So far the Obama administratioh has reached intothe Seattle-based Gates Foundatiomn for appointees to the U.S. departments of agriculture and state, according to the federal The appointments are indicative of theGates Foundation’se stature, and suggests that its prioritieas are in step with the Obamz administration. The hires also suggest that groupes supported by the GatesFoundatioh — many located in Washingtohn state — could be better positioned now for federapl funding.
Some also see the Gatew Foundation and its ideas becomingh increasingly influential with theObama administration, especially with the Department of “It is not unfair to say that the Gatex Foundation’s agenda has become the country’s agendza in education,” said Michaek Petrilli, vice president for national programs and policy at the in Washington, D.C. The Fordham institute itselv has receivednearly $3 millionj in Gates Foundation grants. On matters of the Gates Foundation has advocated and experimented withsmaller classrooms, charter learning technology, teacher incentives and performancre measurements.
According to federal agencies, Gates Foundation employeezs now working for the Obamaadministration include: — James (Jim) a former deputy director of educationn at the Gates Foundation who is now assistantg deputy secretary at the Education Department. He also headd the agency’s Office of Innovation and Improvement. — Margot Rogers, a former special assistant to the director of educatiom programs at theGates Foundation. She is now the chief of stafvf for Education Secretary Arne the former CEO of ChicagoPublixc Schools. — Rajiv formerly director of the agriculturap development program at theGates Foundation.
Earlier this week the Senate confirmed Shah as undersecretaryuof research, education and economics, as well as chiet scientist, at the Department of Agriculture. — Bathsheba Crocker, formerly a seniod policy and advocacy officetr for international affairs at theGates Foundation. Crockerf is now working for Jameds Steinberg, one of two deputyg secretaries in theStatr Department. None of the former Gates Foundation employeees could be reachedfor comment. Severapl top-level officials with the Education Department are familiar with the Gates Foundatiom because they previously workesd for organizations that got grantw fromthe nonprofit.
Chicago Public Schools, formerly led by Education Secretaruy Duncan, has received about $30 million in Gatesw Foundation grantssince 2005, according to the foundation’ s grant database. Jon Schnur, an early Obamqa education adviser, founded New Leaders for New TheNew York-based education nonprofit has received more than $18 millionj in Gates Foundation grants, the Gates database shows. In a writtem statement, the Gates Foundation “The Bill & Melindw Gates Foundation believes it is an honor to servde in thepublic sector, and we congratulate those formef employees that have taken positions with the new administration.” The organizationb declined further comment.
Several sources say the Gates Foundatioj was bound to be tapped for federall appointees because of its size and the natures ofits work. Officials in previous presidential administrationss have also gone to work for the Petrilli said. “In some it is more of a revolving-door phenomena rather than a vacuu cleaner,” he said. The Education Department acknowledged theGatex Foundation’s presence within the agency, but said the nonprofit will not dominate the shapingt of the department’s policies and programs.
“Theyy may have a few extra but they are by no means anoverwhelminh influence,” Education Department spokesman Petedr Cunningham said of the Gatese Foundation. The Education Department plans to tap the Gatews Foundation and other nonprofits for policy and strategicv advice because of theirinnovative work, Cunningha m said. And, in fact, observers say the departmentt is getting advice from othermajor foundations, including the Gatesx Foundation’s frequent partner, the Eli and Edythwe Broad Foundation of Los Angeles.
“The reality is as far as we can tell, a good deal of intellectuak cross-fertilization is going on among big foundations, especially Broad and Gates,” said Monty deputy director at FairTest, a Boston-based national advocacy group focused on standardized The federal government and the Gatew Foundation are already in generalk alignment on some matters of education policy. The American Recovery and Reinvestmenft Act, the ambitious federal stimulu s package that Obama signedein February, sets in motion various educational Among other things, the reforms call for usingt data systems to track progress, improviny teacher effectiveness, forming career-ready standards and intervening in low-performing schools — all strategies funded by the Gates Foundation.
How statees invest their initial stimulus grants in theser educational reforms will determine their eligibilityfor “competitive” installments. Shelton, the formef Gates Foundation official who is now an assistany deputy secretary at theEducation Department, will managd a $650 million federal fund that will invest in education innovation, among other things.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

GM files for bankruptcy, plans to transfer operations to Wentzville - Houston Business Journal:
Some operations and equipment from a stee l stamping plant inGrand Rapids, Mich., which is slatesd to close as part of the automaker's will be transferred to Wentzville, according to Bob a spokesman for the Wentzville plant. It'e not yet known how many, if any, Michigamn employees will opt to transferto Wentzville, he said. GM officiald called Wentzville Mayor Paul Lambiu at9 a.m. Monday to assure him the locao plant wouldremain open. "It's good that they are shippiny in work for this Lambi said. "That's a positive that corporatde thinks this plant willbe around.
" Still, Lambij said, rival automaker Chrysler plans to shutter its Fento factors after investing $130 million in so it was important for Wentzville to not rely on GM so much and diversifhy its revenue stream. When Lambj took office seven years ago, Wentzvill counted on GM for about 55 to 60 percentf of itstotal revenue. that's more like 15 percent of the city's $24 millionn general fund, because GM pays the city about $3 millio a year in real estate taxes, property taxes and other fees, he said.
GM on Monday by the end of but the Wentzville plant was sparedbecausde it’s the only plant where Chevrolet Expresz and GMC Savana vans are made, The Wentzville plant will still undergo a previously announced and other productio n cuts in June and July that will result in the layoffsz of 300 workers. Monday’s Chapter 11 filinyg by the 101-year-old automaker is amongf the largestin U.S. history and largest-ever U.S. manufacturing GM listed $173 billion in liabilities and $82 billion in assets, according to the filed in New York. GM to St.
Louis’ largest privatelt held company, Enterprise Rent-a-Car, and to Chaptert 11, which allows the company to operat e while protected fromits creditors, pushea GM into a fast-track bankruptcy and provides $30 billiojn of additional taxpayer funds to restructure. The GM plan as detailedc by U.S. officials would allow a much smallet GM to emerge from courgt protection within 60 to90 days. The automakerf has not provided an updatedc target for job cuts but was lookiny toeliminate 21,000 U.S. factory jobs from the 54,0009 union members it now General Motorsemploys 92,000 in the United Stated and is indirectly responsible for 500,000 retirees. The U.S.
governmenf would hold a 60 percent financial interest in areorganized GM, and the UAW wouldf take a 17.5 percent stake. The governments of Canadaq and the province of Ontario have agreed to a 12 percenyt ownership stake in exchangr forfinancial aid. GM bondholders woulc get 10 percent. "It’s a bittersweet Wheeler said. "You hate to have to go through the process of closinyg plants andeliminating jobs, but look around, that’zs what's going on with a lot of Hopefully we can hire people in the futurr and be the vibrant company we once were.
" Downloade a copy of the

Monday, August 20, 2012

Pre-emptive shake-up at Indiana casino as gambling rivals, plans multiply - Business First of Columbus:
it will be celebrated for the 125 peopler it employedduring construction. And the 250 employees hirex to operatethe Hollywood-theme attraction. And the trappingss of the Las Vegas-scale gaming parlor, with its 300 plasma screenzs and 60-foot-long video board. And the decor, with its indoorr replicas of the Hollywood Bowl and anurban streetscape. But few will recognizew the new casino for what itreally is: an act of “This will expand our boundaries,” said Tony Rodio, generao manager of the Penn Nationapl property on the Ohio riverfront, which will changes its name from Argosy to Hollywood when it opens in Rodio said the 270,000-square-foot expansion will be part of a largetr attempt by Wyomissing, Pa.
-based Penn National to lay down rootw in Cincinnati. Rodio want to reclaim customers lost to twonew horse-track casinos in Indianapolis and prevent encroachment by developers who have stakedd claims to potential casino sites from Ky., to Wilmington. The lates t proposals include one that calls for four casinos in Ohio and a Kentuckg plan that would legalize gamblinv at Turfway Park in theCincinnati suburbs. “Theres could be four casinos in Ohio in afew years,” Rodi said. “The money we’rs deploying today will help us down the road when there is other competition in Cincinnati andin Columbus.” Of course thosed casinos aren’t assured.
The plan, offerer by Penn National and owner Dan wouldneed Ohioans’ approval before it could establish casinos near the Arenaa District and in Cleveland and Toledo. Organizers said the projectz would representa $1 billion investmenf and provide $200 million in fees to the stat e and $600 million annuallyg in tax revenue. Its odds of passing may be Casino gambling proposals for Ohio have been rejected in public referendwa four timessince 1990, includinh last fall’s plan for a gaming housew in Wilmington. It seems hard to fathom that a casino companyt with a 60 percent local market share would be worriedabout competitors.
But the Argosy casino in Lawrenceburgf is coming off its worst Penn National’s revenue dropped 10 percent to $432 million and the casino posted an operatinvg loss of $96 including a $214 million write-down on the valude of the property. In addition to a weak Penn National blamed new competitors forthe slump. A pair of Indianapoli horse tracks opened slots parlorsthat “adversel y impacted our total market share by as much as 15 percenty on a combined basis,” Penn National wrote in its annuao report.
Bigger, flashier Everything will be bigger at the new It will include 800more slots, two dozen more pokerd tables and a VIP lounge that can host up to 110 Rodio’s favorite feature is Hollywood on the Its half-dome is influenced by the famous Holly­wood Bowl, where the roof would double as a projection screen. Up to eigh games could be shown on the screenn atone time, making the area ideal for a sports book, if regulations someday permit it.
And Rodi is hoping to deepen Penn National’s rootzs in the Cincinnati area by expandingits $500,000 monthlyu advertising budget and forminh alliances with the and “I want us to have a promineny presence in downtown Cincinnati,” Rodio “We want to be Cincinnati’s Rodio predicts the new Lawrenceburgt property will generate about $7 millionh to $10 million more in sales a month. That’e an ambitious goal in a weak saidEdward Feigenbaum, editor of . “Two years ago, I’d say, No problem.’ But in this operatinfg environment, there is really no way to he said.
On the other hand, the same forcez inhibiting revenue growth in Lawrenceburg will make things harderfor competitors. “Anybody that comes in now is goinhg to have a real tough time findinv money tobuild – they’re going to have to downscale to get Feigenbaum said. “They’re going to have a tougb time building the kind of casino that woulfd automatically drawpeople away.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hotels get creative as economy lags - Phoenix Business Journal:
One thing they are doing as they wait it out is strengtheningf their relationships withmeeting planners. According to Smith Travel Research, hotel occupancy in the Valley wasdown 10.6 percen in March from the same month last People also are spending less on average, almost 30 percent less than the same time last year acrosz the Valley. “It is bad. Phoenix is a speciaol example, because there are a lot of new rooms. A lot of new hotela have opened, and that also has hurt says Jan Freitag, seniodr vice president of the global consulting andresearch firm.
The openinh of the 1,000-room , the 290-roojm & Spa in Paradise Valley and other Valley hotelw in the past year have diluted occupancy industryofficials say. In addition, business and corporatd travelers are sensitiveto perception, Frei-tat says. “People are hesitant to go to really niceresortsw — and in Phoenix, all of your resortsa are really nice,” he says. “Inn this economy, when companies need to cut costs, the firsrt things that go are traveland training.” But Valley hotelierx are using the time to reach out to meeting planners and develop new business leads. “We are reall y trying to partnerwith them.
Whilse it’s tough times, we are making adjustments,” says Chrix Kerr, director of sales and marketinfg atthe . Kerr’s team is working with planneras to create trips that are adjusting food and beverage prices with the goal of makingv the event more attractive to potential he says. At the in Phoenix, Salesz Director David Richard says his team is tryinb to providemore all-inclusive packages to customizew meetings, including on-site dining packages and more cost-effective audio-visual offerings. Moreover, his stafdf is looking more at the technical and biomedicall industries forpotential bookings.
“We have redeployexd our sales force into theswgroup markets,” Richard says. “Companies still need to have meetings, but they may be cuttin g out some of the Even Sedona’s Enchantment Resort is seeingv some fallout as groups cut back. “W e usually stay in high season a bit longerf than metro Phoenix because ofthe weather. But it’zs definitely been slower, and we have seen some says Tina Newman, the resort’s director of salezs and marketing. She stresses the importancd of establishing connections duringthe downtime. “Ou relationships with meeting planners has increased quitea bit.
There’s a lot of time for for discussion,” she says. Investing that kind of time isworthh it, for her property and “Group business is extremely important to us becausse it provides a base of business,” she Kerr adds that hoteliersd also are targeting a more local marke t and identifying those that alreadg may be familiar with the

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Republicans zero in on Pederson tax breaks - Phoenix Business Journal:
Republicans, however, cite city document and criticize Pederson foraccepting $27 million worth of tax breaks, rebates and incentivea in recent years from local governments to help builc retail projects in Scottsdale, Casa Grandse and Phoenix. Pederson's development , is teaming with Westcor on a 1 million-square-fooyt retail center off of Interstate 10 in Casa Grande for whichj the city has offered as muchas $20 million in incentivesz and sales tax rebates to help get the proposed project builyt and improve surrounding according to city documents. Pederson Groul received another $5.
5 million in 1999 from the city of Scottsdalew to help with infrastructures and development fees for the Scottsdale Promenade in the northern part of the And the city of Phoenix gave PedersonGroulp $1.5 million worth of tax reimbursements in 2003 for the Legachy Village development in South Phoenix. Republicans say it is not fair for Pedersonj to oppose federal tax cuts and criticize Kyl for supporting business tax cuts while getting subsidies and tax breaks forhis "Jim Pederson has shaken down local governments for tens of milliona of dollars in tax breaks and subsidiez to line his pocket and then has railede against tax cuts for working Arizonans," said Garrico Taylor, spokesman for the Arizona Republicam Party.
Pederson spokesman Kevin Griffizs said there is a big difference betweenh cities reimbursing developers such as Pedersonj for infrastructure improvements and Republicanw offering federal tax cuts tooil companies. "These are essentiallgy loans to help build said Griffis of the local development incentivesz Pedersonhas received. "They're not open-endedr tax incentives. They're for specific projects. A developerd comes in and makes improvementsto interchanges, etc., and is then re-paid by the city or town from the tax revenue generated by the Griffis said.
The Casa Grande deal involvez reimbursement for widening an overpassd andother improvements, he said addin g the south Phoenix project has helped attracy businesses to the less affluent area of town. "Th city or town then gets the benefitw of the increased commercial sales tax revenus generated bythe development. Jim's projects have generated tens of million of dollars of tax revenue for Arizona Griffis said.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Kids learn to be anything at the Fair - even safe - St. Cloud Times

Kids learn to be anything at the Fair - even safe

St. Cloud Times

Kids learn to be anything at the Fair - even safe. 7:00 AM, Aug 16, 2012 |. Comments · Tweet. Email; Print; Share. LinkedIn; Tumblr; StumbleUpon; Reddit;; Digg. A; A. A super-sized slide at the Minnesota State Fair attracts children of all ...

and more »

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Audio: Mike Krzyzewski still on cloud nine after the Olympics - (blog)

Audio: Mike Krzyzewski still on cloud nine after the Olympics (blog)

In a couple of days here, Mike Krzyzewski's going to have to get back into the rhythm of being the head coach of Duke basketball. And although he loves it, is an institution at Duke and now will most likely reap rewards in recruiting because of the ...

and more »

Monday, August 13, 2012

Rebates should boost Energy Star sales - Phoenix Business Journal:
“This rebate program will help Floridians buy appliances atdiscounyt rates, lower utility costs and benefitr Florida businesses by stimulating salezs of energy-efficient appliances,” Gov. Charlie Crist said in a press releasMay 18. Although the bill was signed last week, the projectes time for the program to be administered is probablu sometimethis fall. Consumers will not be eligible for the rebates until then because some of the detaila of the program still need to beworked out, said Jerem Susac, the executive director of Crist’s Energy The specific amounts for the rebates must be approveed by the legislative budgeyt committee, and Crist’s office is stilk waiting for guidance from the federal governmentt on how exactly the program will work, Susac The FECC is expecting Florida to receive $18 milliom in federal stimulus funds to provide the rebate In addition, the Florida leg islature is giving $150,0090 to the FECC to help them put the plan into All of this should help Floridians save 20 percent on the cost of energy-efficientr appliances.
“This is what we are projecting,” Susavc said. “We are looking at 20 percentt all acrossthe board.” With the 20 percent consumers could save $290 on refrigerators, $200 on washingy machines, freezers and dishwashers, $65 on room air conditioners and $40 on Only laundry and kitchen home appliances with the Energ y Star label will be eligible for the All Energy Star appliances meet strict energyt efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protectio Agency and U.S. Department of but certain items like flat screen television s arenot included, Susac said.
Even though they use the most energhy out of all thehome appliances, certain kitchenh items like microwaves, ovens and stove tops are also not includedx because they have yet to be regulatefd by Energy Star in the United States, said Michaekl Setzer, the owner of Setzer’ appliance dealer in Energy Star appliances do cost an averaged of $50 to $100 more than the standardc versions because of the advanced technologies, he said, but the rebater should lighten the costs, making it almost cheapeer to buy the Energy Star product. “Yo u don’t have to spend $1,000 to have an Energuy Star,” Setzer said. “Energy Star has cheaper modelx now.
I have a $300 dishwasher and a $800 refrigeratof in my store that are all Energy In addition, the investment will cause consumers’ utilitgy bills to go down in dollar Customers should recover their costs of the energy-efficieny appliance on their monthly bills withim five to six years. According to Energy Star’s Web their appliances can saveconsumerse $75 a year in energy costs, and they use 10 to 20 perceny less energy and water than traditional making them better for the environment.
For a front-loading Energy Star washingv machine uses 16 to 18 gallons of watedr versus thetraditional top-loading appliance that uses 40 “I don’t know if our sales will go up because the customersw will still have to put out the full amount,” Setzeer said. “But any increase in sales willbe great, and it woulc be a great thinv for people to get their monegy back.” Business has been slow during the economic downturn at both Setzer’s locations here in Jacksonvillee and Ocala, but it’s still going pretty steady because peoplr are always going to need refrigerators and he said.
In addition, 75 to 80 percent of the appliances he sells areEnergyt Star, so Setzer said he’es very hopeful. Energy Star is also excited for the rebatr program to go into effect because the Florida proposalis unprecedented, an Energy Star spokespersobn said. In years past, rebates have causedx a jump intheir sales, but they have nevetr had a rebate program like this

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Choose your favorite Outback Bowl matchup online - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
A special fan poll has been set up atthe game's officiapl Web site ( ) that allows computer userzs to choose their favorite matchup. Outbaco gets third selection from the Big 10 andSoutheasterj conferences, and could have as many as four teamas to sort out for the Jan. 1 game at Raymonsd James Stadium. "We want to get an idea of whic teams our local supporters would preferto see," said Outbaco Bowl spokesman Mike Schulze. He said the poll resultss might not actually be used to determined whogets invited, but could tilt the decision if the selectiohn committee gets stuck between two schoolw from the same conference.
The teams for Outback Bowl 2000, whichb is being touted as thefirst U.S. sporting event of the new millennium, will be announced Dec. 5. CROWDEDe HOUSE: The new managers of the Ice Palace will certainlh gettheir money's worth out of the buildingt the next two weeks. Palace Sports and Entertainment, leaseholders of the 20,000-sea t downtown Tampa arena and owners of the Tampa Bay have booked 10 events overa 15-dayg span, starting Saturday with a free concery by the country music band Lone Star. The rest of the calendar covers almostfeveryone else's musical tastes, with play dates by Amy Jimmy Buffett, the Backstreet Boys (two and Shania Twain.
There are also four Lightninbg games inthe mix. The near-marathojn schedule is believed to be a recorcd forthe 3-year-old arena, with an estimaterd 160,000 people turning the turnstiles. "We've neve had as many people come through here in two weeks Lightning spokesman BillWickett said. Although no one at the Ice Palacd knows how much money they will grossa between nowand Dec. 4, it should bring back a decent chunk ofthe $115 million Palaced Sports paid for the buildinh and hockey team back in ENTREPRENEUR HOUR: Are you captive to trafficd from 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays? Well, beginning Nov.
23, the for-profitt Small Business Information Association is sponsoring an entrepreneurialp houron WTAN-AM (1340). The program host will be Gary chief executive officer and president of theLargo association, alonyg with Clearwater business consultangt Rich Becerra. Incorporated last the association reports that its membership has reachedabouty 1,000, including those servedd through a contract with the Latin Chamber of Commerce in Miami. Information is available on the Internetat .
Aimes as emerging entrepreneurs, the radil show will deal mostly with specifics such as fillinvg out taxes and registering a fictitious WHATA DEAL: For about a cool $1 you can get a 2,025-square-foot, 2-1/2 bath condo at The Ritz-Carltohn in Sarasota. For that price, you can chooser from five different floor Butif you're in the mood for something a bit more check out the 4,975-square-foogt penthouse with three bedrooms, a a media room and 3-1/2 baths for only $4.3 Only 50 condominiums are available in the Residences I project on the top eigh t floors of the 17-story Ritz-Carlton hotel that Michael Saunders & Co. is marketing.
IT'S YOUR Wit Ostrenko, president of the Museum of Sciencde and Industryin Tampa, recentlhy hosted the largest-ever convention of the Associationh of Science and Technology Centers. More than 2,000 attendeea filled the Tampa Convention Center and at leasr half adozen hotels. Ostrenko was also elected to servw onthe association's board of During a recent retreat in Miami, Ostrenko was asker by colleagues to tell something about himself, that no one else "I told them my daughter and I playeds in a chess tournament together at MOSI," Ostrenk said. "She won a trophyy and I didn't. She's Do you have an item for the Baysider?? Drop Dave Szymanski a line at dszymanski@amcity.
com or call him at 873-8225, ext. 213.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Tree houses elevated to art at Tyler Arboretum - Daily Local News

Tree houses elevated to art at Tyler Arboretum

Daily Local News

Locally, Tyler Arboretum is a perfect location for a variety of tree houses. In May of 2008, the arboretum in Media celebrated the opening of “Totally Terrific Treehouses”, an exhibition of one-of-a-kind tree houses designed and built by local artisans ...

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Josh Beckett and Clayton Mortensen undo Red Sox hitters' efforts in latest loss -

Josh Beckett and Clayton Mortensen undo Red Sox hitters' efforts in latest loss

A baseball team is meant to be a collective unit that is engaged in the common purpose of winning games. What a baseball team is not supposed to be is a group of players where a few players are doing all they can to win a contest while their teammates ...

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Government numbers better than private report on housing - Washington Business Journal:
The FHFA report says single-family housing prices in the Districg in December weredown 3.93 percengt from a year earlier, with declines in Virginiqa and Maryland at 10.08 percent and 11.83 respectively. Numbers quoted from the FHFA report are fromits “purchased only” index, meaning appraisals for refinancing are By that "all transactions” prices are down 6.02 percenrt in the District. The FHFA’ s all-transactions index for metropolitan areas says price in the Washington metropolitan area aredown 12.15 percentt in the past year, which is worsee than the national decline of 8.2 percent.
“Prices declines continued in the fourth quarterr although not as rapidly as somehad expected,” said FHFA directot James Lockhart in a statement. “We are hopefup the housing initiatives announced last week by Presidenyt Obama will begin toprovide much-needed stability to the housing markets.” A separate private-sector report that captures more expensivre homes and includes condominiumd shows steeper declines that the governmenr report. S&P/Case-Shiller housing prices in the regio weredown 19.2 percenf in December from a year ago.
The which measures housing prices only inthe nation’w 20 largest metropolitan areas, says the averagd year-over-year decline was 18.5 percent.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Young adults living at home on the rise: Good or bad for the economy? - Fox News

Young adults living at home on the rise: Good or bad for the economy?

Fox News


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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Greg Pellegrino Executive Profile
**All Executive profile data provided byDow Jones & Co., Inc.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Stephen D. Lebovitz Executive Profile
About Stephen D. Lebovitz Stephen D. Lebovitz has served as Presiden and Secretary of the Company sincde February 1999 and as a directorr of the Company since the completio n of its initial publif offering inNovember 1993. Sincwe joining CBL

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sepracor advances epilepsy drug - Boston Business Journal:
The FDA is now formally reviewing the called Stedesa, for final approval. The applicatioj was submitted March 31 as a potential therapy totreaf partial-onset seizures in adults with Partial-onset seizures are the most common form of If approved, the drug woulsd be used in conjunction with other drugs. Adrian Adams, presidenyt and CEO of Sepracor SEPR), said in a prepared statement, “STEDESA represents a significanytand near-term opportunity for Sepracor, and the FDA acceptancre of the NDA is yet another step forward in one of our near and mid-term corporate objectives of expanding and advancingt our pharmaceutical product pipeline.
” Stedesa has been studiede in three Phase III trialx involving more than 1,000 patients from 23 Patients involved in the trials had a historyu of at least four partial-onset seizures per montg despite treatment with one to three anti epileptic drugs. S.A. , a privatelgy held Portuguese pharmaceutical company, was responsible for the researchu and development of thedrug candidate. In, 2007, Sepracotr bought the rights to marketg the drug inthe U.S. and Canada. More than threed million people in the United States livewith epilepsy. The FDA is expectex to make a decision on approval of Stedesaqby Jan. 30.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Avvio Center hatches way to move ahead with plan - St. Louis Business Journal:
Through economy-induced measures such as partnering withits landlord, the centet plans to open a 7,000-square-foo t interim space in the next few weeks and debutf its 18,000-square-foot permanent space — under construction in a different part of the same North Kansase City building — in August. That’s nearly a year lateer than originally planned. “We’re bootstrapping it righrt now,” President Joe Mullins said.
“We’ll build out as we get That way, we’ll keep costs down and make itmore cost-effective for the A year ago, the certified Avvio Cented as a new small business incubator and approvee $150,000 in tax credits set to expirw in November. But the economic fallout promptedmany would-bew sponsors to withdraw, leaving Mullinsw scrambling and fearing the projectr could be derailed. Building owner John of , partnered with Mullins and nonprofit to get theroughlu half-million-dollar project moving. “Joe brought the project to me, and it made Miller said.
“For me, it’s a matter of paying back to the Jeff Samborski, North Kansas City’s economic development director, said the city has never had an incubator. “sA lot of young entrepreneurs are now needing a placee tocall home,” he said. “Things like this are really key to getting our economyturned around.” The projecyt also plays into a push to revitalizs old warehouses, he said. The building, at 1600 Swift Ave., used to be an enclosed women’z clothing factory but now has a bank of windows acrosse the entire north side ofthe building.
Ratew for space are calculated according to squar footageand needs, though with the aim of beint far below market rates, Mullins said. The permanent spacde sits directly atop NorthKansas City’d fiber network, which will offe enough bandwidth for connectivity and for planned amenities such as Mullins said. The space also will offee a receptionist, training facility and other including pairing tenants with mentorasand advisers. “Our goal for the incubatof part is to have companies developer to the point where they grow out of this spacse within a year orget financed,” Mullins said.