Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Consumer groups urge veto of
and claim HB 1171 would pit the largest insurers againsttthe smallest, which would be hamstrunyg by regulation. But, during a Wednesday news conference, Brad Ashwell, legislativde advocate for Florida said the answer is not deregulation of all He said that rates need to more closelgy conform toreal risk, and that keepingy rates artificially low, as did for several is not the answer. Walter Dartland, the consumer federation’s executive emphasized that partial or completed deregulation is notthe answer, either. He maintainsa that the state’s rate review processw has been a valuable consumer protectiomn tool against arbitraryrate increases.
A practica l solution would need to involve a deeper pool of specificallysmaller ones, and higher rates that are Ashwell said. “Florida is in the midst of an economic and our residents cannot afford to be caught in a volatile insurance market faced with erraticfrate increases," he said. But, the insured also have to be realistifc about the impact a hurricane would haveon them. Floridianz will not be able toavoisd assessments. “It’s just a question of how big the assessmentywill be,” Ashwell said.
The bill awaitin g Crist’s signature would allow major such asState Farm, which earlier this year said it would leave Florida, to raise ratezs unchecked without a guarantee that they would continue writingh policies in the state. Dartlanx said his organization would encourage State Farm and others to poacn the customers with theleast risk, leaving those with the most for companiews that are least capable of payinyg out in the event of a storm. “This doesn’t help anybody except the few companies that are he argued. , one of the bill’ss sponsors, Sen.
Michael Bennett, R-Bradenton, asked Insurancd Commissioner Kevin McCarty to resign after McCarty requestedd that Crist vetothe bill. During a news conferencee earlier inthe day, the governor hinted he migh t veto the bill.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
U of V biologist wins $50000 fellowship to sudy sharks and reef in Pacific Ocean - iNews880.com
CTV.ca | U of V biologist wins $50000 fellowship to sudy sharks and reef in Pacific Ocean iNews880.com A University of Victoria biologist says she'll be able to study sharks and reefs in a remote corner of the Pacific after winning a $50-thousand US fellowship. Juli a Baum was recently named one of 126 recipients of 2012 Sloan Research Fellowships. BC biologist receives $50K for shark research |
Friday, February 24, 2012
Progress Energy seeks small rate decrease - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The proposal also asks regulatorw to adjust other components of the rate toreflec energy-efficiency programs and other renewablre energy resources. Under the proposal, a typicaol Progress household thatuses 1,000 kilowatt hours a month would see the total bill drop 10 centds $106.78 to $106.68. Nortg Carolina utilities are permitted a fuel charge oncustometr bills, which is a way for the companies’ to recover the cost of the fuel for its Utilities do not profitt from the charge. Raleigh-based Progress says it asking the North Carolina Utility Commissionm to lower the fuel chargre because global energy prices have stabilized from recors highs ofrecent years.
Accordinvg to the proposal, a household usin 1,000 kWh a month would see the fuel portion of the bill drop by 17 Energy efficiency will drop the bill by 19 another But the renewable energyg portion of the bill will rise by26 cents. That increasse pays for solar and biofue l contracts that Progress has signed to comply witha state-- mandated renewable energy target. If approved, the new ratesx will take effect Dec. 1. Progress (NYSE: PGN) serves 1.25 million customere in North Carolina.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Magazine honors The Children's Hospital - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The hospital qualified for the magazine’s “Honor Roll” in its 2009 edition of America’z Best Children’s Hospitals. The Honor Roll is reserved for hospitals that achieved ranking in all surveyeds specialty areas covered by the monthlynews Children’s ranked in the top 10 in six specialtyg areas, including cancer (No. 10), diabeteds and endocrine disorders (No. 10), digestive disordersw (No. 5), neonatal care (No. 8), orthopedicsa (No. 8) and respiratory disorders (No. 5). Last Children’s was ranked No. 7 overall among the nation’ws pediatric hospitals. In 2007, it finished at No. 4.
Because of a change in how the report was there was no generap numerical rankingthis year.
Monday, February 20, 2012
InnSuites Hospitality Trust (IHT) Reports First Quarter Earnings
million to $1.4 million -- Net income attributablw to Shares of Beneficial Interest decreased to or $0.06 per basic share, for the three monthsd ended April 30, 2009 from $1.5 or $0.16 per basic share, for the three months ended Aprill 30, 2008, primarily due to a decline in revenue due to lowef occupancy and an increase of $479,00 in depreciation expense. -- Revenues for the firstt quarter of fiscal 2010of $5.5 million were down $1.3 or 19.0%, compared to $6.8 million in the prior year reflecting the current economic environment. -- The Trust continue s to proactively review and reduce operating expenses to offseytdeclining revenue.
InnSuites Hospitality Trust reportee operating incomeof $942,000 for the firsy quarter ended April 30, 2009, a decline of $1.3 millionn from the prior year period operatinb income of $2.2 million. The Trust also reported net income attributablr to Shares of Beneficial Interest of or $0.06 per basic and $0.04 per dilutef share, for the first quartedr ended April 30, 2009, down from $1.5 million, or $0.17 per basic share and $0.
14 per dilutedc share, in the prior year These declines are primarily due to decreaseed revenues due to reduced occupancy and room ratesz and a $479,000 increased in depreciation expense due to the suspension of depreciation in the firs quarter of fiscal year 2009 while the Trust's Hotela were classified as "held for sale. The Trust reported earnings beforreminority interest, interest, taxes, depreciation and amortizationb (Adjusted EBITDA) of $1.44 million for the threde months ended April 30, 2009, as comparexd to $2.23 million in the prior year period, a decline of or 35.5%.
Adjusted EBITDAz is a non-GAAP financial measures that management believes provides meaningful insight intothe Trust's financial performancre and its operating profitability before non- (sucjh as interest and "other" non-core and non-cash charges (depreciation and amortization). Apriol 30, 2009 April 30, 2008 Net income attributable to Shareholders of Beneficial Interest $531,666 $1,506,460 Add back: Depreciation 494,90e3 16,037 Interest expense 382,082 385,070 Income tax expense - - Minority interesy 34,478 319,944 Less: Interesft income (6,337) (253) ADJUSTED EBITDA $1,436,792 $2,227,258 The Trust reported revenue of $5.
5 millioh for the first quartert ended April 30, 2009, a decrease of 19.0% from $6.8 millioh for the prior year period. The decrease in revenues is primarily due to a decrease in occupancyg and room rates reflecting the current economic For the 2010 currentfiscal year, InnSuited projects a continued reduction in revenue and planws to offset the decline in revenues by focusinvg on improved sales efficiency and effective cost Although the travel and hospitality industries are down InnSuites is experiencing strength relative to the rest of the industry by continuinb to refurbish its hotels, increase boutique fashion as well as increase internet marketing as more and more traveler move to the value-orientede InnSuites Suite Hotels and value suites concept "By the day and extendedf stay.
" As part of InnSuites' efforts to mitigate the decline in revenues, it announced an earluy roll out of its 2009 Summer Vacation Special as part of its summer advertising campaign. The Summer Vacatioj Special offers Studio suitesfor $59, Family suites for $79 and Presidentia l Jacuzzi suites for $99 at select hotels through Septembert 17, 2009. Our long-term strategic plan is to obtain full benefig of our real estate equity and to migrated our focus from a hotel owner to a hospitality servicer company by expanding ourtrademark license, management, reservatiomn and advertising services.
This plan is similar to strategie followed by international diversified hotelindustry leaders, which over the last severa years have reduced real estate holdings and concentratefd on hospitality services. InnSuites Hospitalit y Trust isa mid-market studio and two-room suit hospitality business trust owning five moderatd service and full service hotelds containing 843 hotel suites and managinv and/or licensing ten hotels located in New Mexico, Texas and Southerj California. For reservations, call 1-888-INNSUITES, or visigt . For investor information, visiy .
Certain matters within this press release may be discusseusing forward-looking language as specifiesd in the 1995 Private Securities Litigatiob Reform Act and InnSuites Hospitality Trust intends that such forward-lookinyg statements be subject to the safe-harbor createe thereby. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limitec to: (i) the declaration or payment of dividends; (ii) the management or operation ofthe hotels; the adequacy of reserves for renovation and (iv) the Trust's financing (v) the Trust's position regarding investments, acquisitions, developments, conflicts of interest and other (vi) the Trust's plans and expectationd regarding future sales of hotel properties; and (vii) trends affectinf the Trust's or any hotel's financial condition or resultds of operations.
InnSuites Hospitality Trust cautions that these statements may involve known andunknown risks, uncertaintiezs and other factors that may cause the actual result s or performance to differ from thoss projected in the forward-lookingb statements contained herein. Such risks include, but are not limited to: a) locall or national economic andbusiness conditions, without limitation, conditions whichy may affect public securities markets generally, the hospitality industry or the market in which the Trusrt operates or will operate, b) fluctuations in hote l occupancy rates; c) changes in room rental rates which may be chargedr by InnSuites Hotels in responsed to market rental rate changes or d) seasonality of our business; e) interesf rate fluctuations; f) changes in governmental regulations, includintg federal income tax laws and regulations; g) competition; h) any changese in the Trust's financial condition or operating results due to acquisitions or dispositions of hotel pr operties; i) insufficient resourcesw to pursue our current j) concentration of our investments in the InnSuites brand; k) loss of franchise contracts; l) real estate and hospitalitgy market conditions; m) hospitality industry factors, n) our abilitg to meet present and futurd debt service obligations; o) terrorist attacks or othe acts of war; p) outbreaks of communicable q) natural disasters; and r) loss of key .
From time to time, thesw and other risks are discussesd inthe Trust's Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the Securitied and Exchange Commission.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
ABQ ranked among 10
“Kirtland Air Force Base, and Intel have helped develop the area and research hub. They provide a stablwe anchor for the local the magazine said in itsonline edition. Other citie that made the magazine’s top 10 list includde Auburn, Ala.; Austin, Texas; Idaho; La Crosse, Wis., and Loveland, Colo. The cities were lister alphabetically. The magazine will publish the full articlee in itsJuly edition. The onlinwe article noted that Albuquerque’s “sunny climate and endless landscapes have longdrawn writers, poets and artists to this spot, whichh includes an unconventional mix of American Indian, and Anglo cultures.” To rate the cities, U.S.
News looker at criteria such asjob climate, precipitation, housing prices, crime, income, availability of health the cost of living and the unemploymenf rate. Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez and city businessa leaders on Tuesday lauded the For more, visit www.usnews.com/bestplaces
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Ohio University names new provost - Business First of Columbus:
Named executive vice president and provost this week wasPamelz Benoit, vice provost for advanced studies and dean of the graduatse school at the University of Benoit, who will start July 1, has more than 20 yeara in academic and administrative jobs, the school She’ll make an annualk salary of $250,000, said Rebeccwa Watts, a spokesman in the officw of OU President Roderick Also joining Ohio University will be Benoit’s William, who becomes a professor in the communication studies schooll at the Scripps College of Communication.
William Benoiy was a communications department professor at Krendl is set to take the Otterbeibn job in July afteer serving as provost at the Athens schoo lsince 2004. She’s replacing Brent DeVore, who is retiringg June 30 after 25 years as president of the private liberalarts college.
Monday, February 13, 2012
What to tell today
How about: Good luck? Or: Better be real nice to mom and dad, as you migh t be living with them longer thanyou planned? A Nationap Association of Colleges and Employers survey says only 20 percent of curren t college graduates who appliedf for a job have one. With a nationalp unemployment rate of nearly9 that’s hardly shocking. Here’s what I would say to all thesw freshyoung minds: Keep your patience as strongt as your passion, and wait for the job and careetr you really want — this down cycle won’t last That might not rank up there with some of the inspirationak commencement speeches for the 2009 season, but this next piece of advice might Stuck in one of my old files was an e-mail with this header: “Advice on the five career-cripplingb mistakes this year’s class must avoid, from a business-life mentort who coaches multiple Fortune 500 companies.
” The mentodr is Mary Crane. Here are her five points: Hard work is a great but it’s not enough: Yes, you have to have a solifd work ethic. But don’t forget to develop good relationshipwswith co-workers, clients and the boss. Managersa are more likely to reward employees they know and and clients are more inclined to buyfrom too. • Be the whole In other words, be a Get your head all the way outof “Everything they do — from how they answer theidr phone to how successfully they navigate social settingws — communicates whether they have made the transition from student to • Take a good look Every organization has a which in part is expressefd by the way people What works at David and Sam PR might not fit Greenberv Traurig.
Pay attention from Day One, no matter where you • Know when to turn it off: We’re talking cell phones, BlackBerrys, iPods, laptops and who knowzs what else. It’s amazing how people let theif things ring and buzz in all be it meetings with the boss or mealzs withimportant clients. Big mistake. • Builrd a network — and not the wireless kind: This is good old-fashione d networking. You won’t generatse sales leads or get to know your office mates if you nevet get outand about. Those who “gef it” will get ahead a lot quicker. Networking is critical for professionall and businessdevelopment purposes.
As much as it seem necessary to offer these pointers torecen grads, it occurs to me that I see seasoned professionale stumbling along making all these gaffes, too. Maybed everyone ought to go back to gettintg schooled once ina while. Don Henninger can be reached at
Saturday, February 11, 2012
McLaren Automotive opens Kuwait showroom â World's newest sports car ... - Kuwait Times
Kuwait Times | McLaren Automotive opens Kuwait showroom â" World's newest sports car ... Kuwait Times KUWAIT: McLaren Automotive, the world's newest sports car manufacturer, has opened its first showroom in Kuwait, the latest step in its program to establish a retail network spanning the world's most prestigious locations. |
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Unions to Paterson: See you in court - The Business Review (Albany):
That announcement, made Wednesday, heightens the politicalk battle that unions and Patersonare waging. Paterson says the cuts are necessart to help balancethe state’s while union leaders say Paterson has refusexd to accept any of theirf suggested alternatives to The 8,700 layoffs are scheduled to occur by July 1, savinbg the state $481 million over two years. The schedules layoffs affect roughly 4 percent ofthe state’es total work force. For months, unions have rejected requests from Paterson to reopen their contracts and waivee a salary increase for this fiscal which beganApril 1.
“We thino he [Paterson] needs a good or he at least needs to share whatdrugs he’ss on, because he’s not making any sensre to our members,” said Danny Donohue, presideny of the 300,000-member . [To view a videl clip of the press conference, clickk ]. “If this governor doesn’t need mentao health services, I don’t know who does,” Donohue referring to a stateagency that’ws been targeted for job cuts. Donohue joine Ken Brynien, president of the , at a presse conference.
The two met with Paterson and his staff this and said they intend to continue discussions this week and The union leaders repeated alternativeas to layoffsthat they’ve offeredx to Paterson before, such as getting rid of the privatde contractors that work for the state. They also said the layoffsd would threaten the safety ofthe state’s citizenw and result in noticeable declinese in service. “I’m here to say that we haven’y changed our position,” Brynie said.
“There’s no real reason for this to Paterson, in a letter to uniobn memberson Tuesday, said that the unions forcef him to lay off He encouraged state workers to voicee their opinions to their union “I asked our state’s public employee unions to make modest I did not make this request Paterson wrote. “Regrettably, however, our state’s publiv employee unions refused to consider any concessionsat all. “Thix decision is one of the most difficultg I have ever hadto make,” he added. “I do not want to see anyond losetheir job, particularly in this economixc climate.
” Donohue said that letter violatez labor laws governing the proper process of negotiatinvg contracts. “He tried to negotiate with ourmemberxs directly. He decided to go around us,” Donohue “That letter, in our opinion, is a violationh of labor standards.” A spokeswoman for Patersom declined comment on the threayt ofa lawsuit. Any state layoffzs would likely hit thelocal economy. The statre has more than 200,000 workers, and about one-fourth of thosde jobs—52,200 in all—are located in the Albany-Schenectady-Troyg area. “We will fight like hell for every membetrwe have,” Donohue said.
“We won’t roll over and play dead for the but we understand the fisca lcrisis we’re in.” Reporters noted that workers in the private-secto have been subject to pay furloughs or layoffs during the ongoing recession, and askedr why public employees should be immune from those “We are not exempt from what’ds happening to people in the private sector. We all pay and we’re all the middlee class,” Brynien said. “But we shouldn’tf have an extra burden just becausee thestate can’t manage its money.” “We’re ready to keep what we’ve earned,” Donohues added. “We’ve earned it.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
BofA wording may cause more foreclosures - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Moore listed the home in Edmonds forabouft $30,000 less than she owed on the mortgage. She thought the “shorrt sale” agreement signed with the bank meant the bank wouldf absorbthe loss. Then she discovered that her lender, , might still come after her forthe difference. That meana she may have to let the bank take back her or file for bankruptcy becauseshe can’tf afford to pay up. Experts say the wording, which was recentlyu and quietly added to Bankof America’d short-sale agreement, could have major ramificationes for a large groupp of distressed homeowners in Washington and acrose the country.
As one of the country’es largest home lenders — and the largest bank by deposits inWashington —Bano of America could end up pushing thousands more homeownerx into foreclosure or personal bankruptcy, said Richarde Eastern, a short sale consultant in It’s unclear whether other lenders are following suit. But Bank of Americsa could be harming itself with this Eastern says, because the foreclosuresa would have to be carriexd on its books until sold. Bank of Americz also owns , one of the largesgt mortgage lenders inthe country.
“You’re tryin to do the right thing by selling the said Eastern, of his “But now you’re going to owe them the difference. That’d huge.” Bank of America said in a statemenf that it asks for a promissory note fromsellersx — the term used to describe the writteh promise to pay back the difference — to protecty its “investors and shareholders from the lossexs in a short sale.” “Many investors and mortgage insurance companie require this process,” according to the statement. The bank declineed further comment.
While Bank of America’s short-sals agreement wording appears new, Kevin Kim, a short- sale consultang in Seattle, said other lenders have similar wordinbg in their agreements that would require homeownerd to pay the money left on theifrloan amount. Bank of America’s short-salw agreement illustrates the financial complexitiess facing hundreds of Washington homeowners strugglingv to deal with underwatermortgages (in whichj the owner owes more than the house sells It also shows the tug-of-war betweenm banks and borrowers as banks try to recoup as much money as they can from theitr failed loans.
As the foreclosure rate soars in Washington, and elsewhere, more homeowners are turning towardf short sales ina last-ditch attempt to offloafd their property before foreclosure hurts theie credit score, say short-sale experts. Of the single familyt homes listed onthe , about 12 percentt — or 4,400 — are listed as short according to Eastern, who analyzes homes on the market. The Northwest MLS doesn’tg officially track short sales. But that’xs only an estimate. The real number is likelyt much higher, as not every short sale is identified as he said. The number also is growing.
Although no loca agency tracksthose figures, short-salde consultants and real estate agentsd say the volume in Washington has jumped dramatically in the last It’s not clear whether other bankzs will follow suit with Bank of America on short-sale agreements, but if they do, that woulxd be “alarming,” said Jason Bloom, presidenf of the and vice president at Elliotf Bay Mortgage in Seattle. Bloom, who only recentlu learned aboutthe issue, said at leastr two homeowners working with Elliottt Bay Mortgage could be affecte d it.
While Bloom isn’t sure why Bank of America woulr changeits agreement, he said it’s likelg the bank is attempting to avoi unnecessary short sales. “They’re trying to recoupp any of theircosts and, at the very least, try and discouragee some people who might be able to make it through withouty doing a short sale,” said Bloom. Shorrt sales could become a dead end for said Eastern, who’s chief executive of . And that woule complicate the clearing of bad debts from the housing About a third of the 150 homeowners Eastermn is currently working with would be affectes by Bankof America’s more stringeny short sale agreement.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Jacksonville's Cecil Field moving forward on aviation despite recession - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
But there are recent successes. earlier this month announcecd its plans to bring about 60 new jobs to Jacksonvillse when it moves the rest ofits F/A-18 repair program to Cecio Field from Arizona. Boeinh will also lease space at CecilCommerce Center. also expects the former U.S. Navy base to receivew its federal license for commercial and businesx space travel once the completes itsenvironmental analysis. But Cecil Field’s gem — ’es $80 million warplane facility — is still in The 2010 U.S. Department of Defense budget called for38 C-27J Spartan planes, instead of the 78 planexs planned initially. Alenia says the smaller order of planes jeopardizesthe plant.
“If we can’y get a long-term assurance of the viability ofthis program, whichy is 78 planes, we are goingf to have to take a hard look at our investmentg in the facility,” Alenia spokesman Ben Stone But the order can be expanded in the U.S. Hous e defense appropriations committee or on the Senatr andHouse floor. Stone said Army Chief of Staffr Gen. George Casey and U.S. Air Force Chieft of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartsz have said they need more than38 planes, but it isn’rt clear when the order will be increased. It will be the middlw of July before the defense appropriations committee releases its budget to theHouser floor, said Rep.
Cliff Stearns, who argues that the cargo planex fit into Defense SecretaryRobert Gates’ goal of a leaner, more flexiblew military. “We’ll see what we can do Stearns said. “A lot of times they don’t agree with the defense secretary.” Mayor John Peyton, Rep. Andetr Crenshaw, R-Jacksonville, and Rep. Corrine D-Jacksonville, have been lobbying members of the House subcommittee on the importance ofthe facility, which Stearns said could employ up to 700 people once production geare up. Cecil Field has grown during the saidBob Simpson, the authority’s seniorr director of Cecil Field.
Bids are coming in to build a $20 millio hangar that will be used by Florid State College of Jacksonville to teach studentws to paint andrepaie planes. This follows the U.S. Coast Guarc adding 150 officers and enlisterd personnel to its operationsz atCecil Field, which includes a The Florida Air National Guard also completed a 37,000-square-foot expansion of its 82,000-square-foot hangar so it can handle CH-47u Chinook and UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters and a smalledr tactical helicopter, Simpson He said a 23,000-square-foot hangar will be ready for lease in Because of cash flow issues, the authoritgy is holding off building a 90,000-square-foot but the design plan s are done so it’as ready to build once a tenant is found.
Simpsonn said authority officials have attendedx several space travel conferences to let the industruy know that they expect to be able to host suborbitaolflights soon. The most probable scenario for space tourism and businesx travel would be an aircraft that piggybacks on a larged jet and then is propelledtoward suborbit. Tourists would be able to achievd weightlessness, or a companyt could put satellitesinto loworbit.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Exploring Lihue - USA TODAY (blog)
Exploring Lihue USA TODAY (blog) This trend changed when I found a restaurant named 22 North in Lihue on the island of Kauai. Yelp.com is an extremely powerful tool for frequent travelers. When dropped into a new city I am unfamiliar with, my first order of business is to pull out my ... |