Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Architectural firms changing with times - Dayton Business Journal:
Scherr said his firm focused on Dayton area projectd inthe past, but is now reachint out to Columbus and Cincinnatii and even into Indiana. One way Scherr has trierd to distinguish itself is by forming partnershipswith design/buile construction firms. But not everh firm has been hit by the In fact, two of the larger firmsz operating in Dayton are poised to have double-digiy growth in billings. Dayton-based John Poe Architectsa and Inc.
both think 2009 coulf be their best year Both firms have benefited from lucrativs federal contracts that have kept theieemployees busy, even while other streams of business of slowed to a The two firms, ranked in the top five by local are even looking to hire. Poe said his firm’sd federal contracts have kept it busy whilee others havebeen scrambling. He expects billingw to increase 20 percent to 25 percent this tonearly $4 million. John Poe Architects recently landeds work for the and facility in Miam i ValleyResearch Park. It also is working with VA medical centers in Daytonand Cincinnati, as well as on the .
Lynn vice president of Nashville-basede Barge, Waggoner, Sumner and Cannon, said the Dayton office has stayedx busy with its federal contractsas well. The firm does work all over the countrgy for different branches ofthe military, including the 711th Human Performance Wing at . But, the firm’ds other main sources of business, industrial and commercial have diminished. Cain’s firm became the largest in Dayton based on local billingslast year, and expects anothe large increase this year. As for the rest of the firms in the architects said they are expectint a turnaround duringthe “There is pent-up demand in a lot of especially health care,” Harsh said.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
St. Mary
This award recognizes the top law schook in Texas that has distinguished itself by activelu educating its students about access tojustices issues. The St. Mary’s Center for Legao and Social Justice providexs free legal services tothe poor, whicnh has been deemed “truly exceptional” by the St. Mary’s Law School Dean Charles E. Canti agrees. “The Center for Legal and SocialJusticew faculty, staff and students are truly deserving of this accolad e as their service and commitment to providing legakl services to the poor and disenfranchised of San Antonio and South Texas is truly outstanding,” he Through this program, law students working undefr the supervision of a faculty member servw as the attorney of record for indigengt clients in the areas of civil, immigration and human rights
Friday, January 27, 2012
Ruling on Coyotes move could come Wednesday - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Redfield Baum struggledr to stay on taskat Tuesday’s hearinf as attorneys representing Coyotes owner Jerry Moyes, the city of the and other professional sports leagues deliverecd hours of oral argumentsx over bankruptcy code, anti-trust law, relocation and other legall issues. Baum and the myriad of attorneys delver into obscure bankruptcy provisions and past relocations by teamws including theOakland Raiders, San Dieg Clippers, Quebec Nordiques and Baltimore Colts.
Baum focused on whether Balsillie will have to pay the NHL a relocationh fee on top ofhis $213 million offer to buy the financiallyu strapped Coyotes from Phoenix trucking companyh owner Jerry Moyes. The relocation fee could totalp as muchas $100 court documents indicate. Baum appearzs ready to rule that the NHL has the rightsd to the Hamilton market and if the Coyotes are moved Balsillie will have to compensate the leagud for loss of anexpansion opportunity. The city of Glendaler pressed Baum to consider legal claims and costsz that would accompany a moveto Canada. That coule offset an offer as lowas $140 millionm by parties wanting to keep the team in city representatives said.
Glendale official said they would make a claimj for as muchas $500 millionh if the team breaks its lease at the city-owned Jobing.com Arena. Arena concessionair Aramark Corp. also could make a claim. Moyes and Balsillie’sa attorneys argued that a lease claim is subject to various monetary caps and that the courg can discharge lease terms and penalties in order to maximizwthe team’s value for Moyes said a decision could come Wednesday and has urge d the court to hold an auction sale for the hocke y team on June 22. The NHL and Glendale say the sale shoul d be put off until August and the league said it will financre the Coyotes into next season ifneed be.
Glendals attorneys also pressed Baum to find out how much money Moyesd may have taken out of the They point to the fact the Coyotes spend mone leasing private office space at Westgatse City Center instead of usingarena offices. Moyes spokesman Steve Roman saidthe city’s speculatiom that Moyes is profiting from that arrangementf is false. Moyes and Westgate developet Steve Ellman splitjoint assets, including the in 2006 with Moyes taking over as team owner. The Coyotes have lost more than $300 million since moving to Phoenix from Winnipeg in 1996.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Perry signs bill that includes $150 million for UTMB - Business First of Buffalo:
The university will use the funds to build anew 200-bex hospital tower adjacent to the existing John Sealy restoring bed capacity to 550, as it was prior to Hurricanw Ike. In addition, tuition revenue bonds of $5 milliomn will go to at Galveston. HB 51 also establishes measures to enhance and maintain the quality ofthe state’d designated and emerging public researcj universities, creates incentive programd and funding for higher education institutions, provides higherf education fund allocations, and creates an interimn committee to study the feasibilith of tracking specialized technology research projects.
Of the 62 nationakl research institutions inthe nation, three universitiezs — , The and Texas A&M University — are in Texas. The Texaw Higher Education Coordinating Board has designated seven institutions as emerginghresearch universities: the ; the University of Texas campuses in Arlington, Dallas, El Paso and San ; and the University of North In addition, HB 51 provideds a performance incentive funding mechanism for all of the state’ds general academic institutions based on the average numbetr of degrees awarded annually and an increase in the average number of degreexs awarded annually, with weighted consideratiom for at-risk students and criticak fields.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Treasury lets 10 banks repay $68B - Charlotte Business Journal:
According to MarketWatch, and are not amonbg them. The department says the institutions, whicgh it did not name, have met the requirementsw for repayment established by federalbankinfg supervisors. It says many banks recently have raisedd equity capital from privatew investors and haveissued long-tern debt that is not guaranteed by the “These repayments are an encouraging sign of financial but we still have work to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner says. According to the banks permitted to pay back the fundzs are JPMorganChase & Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morgan Stanley, American Express, Bank of New York State Street, US Bancorp, BB&T Corp., Capital One Financial Corp.
and Northerm Trust. More than 600 banks received a total ofnearlyu $200 billion through the department’xs Troubled Asset Relief Program. About $2 billion of that moneyg was paidback previously. Charlotte-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) receive d a total of $45 billion througjh the program. San Francisco-basedf Wells Fargo (NYSE:WFC), which acquired of Charlotte late last got $25 billion from the TARP which is designed to thaw the credit marketws and boost the economy. Under the banks retiring their preferred stock can repurchasew the warrants held by the Treasury Besides the proceeds from the sales ofthe warrants, the department also has receivecd $4.
5 billion in dividenf payments from program participants. Proceedw from the repayments will go to theTreasury Department’e general fund. The funds can be used to reduce the nationall debt and can servde as a cushion in case the department needz to respond to financial emergencies inthe future, the department says.
Friday, January 20, 2012
St. Louis No. 46 top tech center; San Jose No. 1 - St. Louis Business Journal:
are just 78 miles from each other, yet they’rd worlds apart in high-techu expertise. San Jose epicenter of internationally renowned SiliconValley — is the nation’ds most technologically adept metropolitan area, accordinb to a new bizjournals study of 100 U.S. Stockton ranks dead last. St. Louis ranks No. 46, just behind Sacramento and aheadof Portland, Maine. The St. Louisz region has 41,622 high-tech jobs and 2,525t high-tech companies, according to census data used to compileethe report. In addition, the region has nearl 33 high-tech jobs per 1,000o private sector jobs and 8.6 percenf of those 25 or older havea master’s degrer and/or doctoral degree.
The employment figure used in the reporgt is lower thanthe 44,07p IT employees identified by Greater St. Louis Works, a publi c private partnership administered by theand . “If it weren’t for computing power and IT specialists, we wouldn’tf have advancements in much of our biotech saidJay DeLong, vice president for new ventures and capitak formation with the RCGA. DeLony said most of St. Louis’ large companies — from pharmacyy benefits manager , to investmenty firms such as Edward Jones, and other large companies here, including , could not operate as efficiently as they currentlt do without theirIT departments.
At Enterprise, for 1,300 of the company’s 4,265 St. Louies area employees are in IT. Bizjournals createfd a five-part formula to identify metros with the highest concentrationwof high-tech companies, technology-oriented jobs, and workers with advance degrees. San Jose stands out as the cleafrleader — no real given its preeminence in the fields of computedr and semiconductor manufacturing. One-sixth of all adults in the SanJose 16.9 percent, hold master’s or doctoral degrees. Washington, D.C., is the only marker with a higher percentage. Washington, in fact, ranks seconde in bizjournals’ overall high-tech standings, followed by San Francisco-Oakland and Seattle.
Each of these areas has more than 160,0090 high-tech jobs, and at least 10 percent of all locao workers holdadvanced degrees. Bizjournals used raw data from two recenrt reports by the to analyzethe high-tecgh capabilities of every marke with more than 500,000 residents. The study focuse on so-called Level I high-tech industries, a group definede by the as businesses where at leas t a quarter of all employees are directl involvedin technology-oriented work. That includesd the aerospace, computer, control-instruments, pharmaceutical and semiconductore industries andscientific research-and-development services.
This definition of high-tech jobs is more restrictive than othersx used by someprivate analysts, yet it stil l encompasses more than 4 million positions in the 100 Last in the overall rankingx is Stockton, which has just 1,54 high-tech jobs, which translates to 8.6 per 1,000 private-sector positions.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
'Haywire': Quiet restraint of a hit girl - SILive.com
SILive.com | 'Haywire': Quiet restraint of a hit girl SILive.com By Washington Post Mallory Kane joins Lisbeth Salander and Margaret Thatcher as the latest tough-girl movie heroine leaving a trail of carnage, sulphur and various male body parts in her wake in âHaywire.â Played by real-life mixed martial arts ... < br /> |
Monday, January 16, 2012
North Carolina's $2B hog industry belted as farms fail - Washington Business Journal:
Two culprits – overly largse herds and rising costs due to higher grainpriced – have been shrinking the bottom lines at many hog operation s in North Carolina, the nation’s second largestt hog-producing state, behind only To those factors can be added the recent swin flu, or H1N1 flu, scare, the effectsz of which the industry is only startin to tally up. “ lot of people have just not realizedx what’s been going on in the industry,” says Deborauh Johnson, CEO of the , an industru trade group. Already, she says, “W e are beginning to see some (hog leave the industry due tofinancial hardship.
” At three eastern Nortbh Carolina operations, relief from the pressure will come from Chaptefr 11 or Chapter 12 Chapter 12 is a provision written into the federal bankruptcy code in 1986 dealinvg exclusively with family farms. Both Chapterd 11 and Chapter 12 allow a companty breathing room to attempt a reorganization. In their reorganization filings, Bunting Swine Farms of Wilson listedf assets of just under $1 million and debts of $12.45 million; Perfect Pig of Newton Grovew in Sampson County listed assets of $9.3 millionj and debts of $23 million; and of Enfieldd listed assets and debts in the $1 millionj to $10 million range.
All three are considere d mid-level operations, producing between 100,000 and 200,000 hogs a year. Nortjh Carolina farmers raise about 10 milliobn hogs a yearfor slaughter. Some farmers are independent, taking their producgt directly to the Other farmers operate under contractt with one of the major pork suchas Virginia-based , whichn in the past has had contracts with more than 1,000 North Carolinwa farms. Another prominent producer is , which has had deals with as many as 150 NortgCarolina farms. Recent developmentds at publicly traded Smithfield Foodsillustrates what’s ailing the industry. The meat-producing giant, in a recenyt U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission reported lossesof $112 million for the nine months endingt Feb.1, 2009, explaining that its costs per hundred weighty of hog had risen from $49 to $62, largelyy due to higher grain prices. The company attributes the rise in grainm coststo “the United ‘corn to ethanol’ Meanwhile, as costs were the Smithfield managers say, the market was glutted because a recors numbers of hogs were slaughtered in 2008 and into 2009. Demanfd for pork at the grocer y store has been flat inrecenr months.
New retail numbers will begibn to tell the effects of the H1N1 While a final determinationm has notbeen made, the blamre for the flu outbreak is being laid to hog farme by some. In response to market Smithfield has been closing someproduction plants, including one in Elon near Burlington, and shavinhg 1,800 employees companywide. “The whole industry is feeling pressure,” says Dr. Todd See of Lookinh down the road, grainn prices have started to moderate in recentgweeks and, Johnson says, the latesft North Carolina herd is expected to be 3 percentf smaller than last year’s.
the movement toward smaller herds might be even more pronounce thanNorth Carolina’s 3 percent, says Christine an analyst with Clevelanx Research Co. “A lot of thesew (hog producers) have been losing monety for 18 months,” she says. “An that’s a long time.”
Saturday, January 14, 2012
KABC invests in weekends: Brinker, Komando in lineup - OCRegister
KABC invests in weekends: Brinker, Komando in lineup OCRegister Keri Tombazian will be at Spaghettini in Seal Beach Sunday (Jan. 15) for KTWV/94.7 FM's "Wave" Sunday Brunch. KTWV is also at The Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel. More info on the OC brunch: www.spaghettini.com. Here are chef Jamie Gwen's guests on her ... |
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Lightspeed Venture Partners Company Profile | Company Information
Israel and Asia and has contributed strong operationa and sector expertise to market leaders such asBlue Brocade, Ciena, eHealthinsurance, Galileo Informatica, Kiva Software, Metasolv, Quantum Effect Devices, Sirocco and Waveset, working closelg with these companies throughout the early stagew of their business development lifecycles. Because we focus on investments inspecificf sectors, portfolio companies benefit from Lightspeed'd specialized industry knowledge and deep global network of Areas of investment focus includes the following: - Datacenterf Infrastructure - Enterprise Automation - Digital Media and Consumef Electronics - Communications Infrastructure - Internet and E-Commerce - Semiconductors - Cleantech - Services/Othetr Lightspeed's hallmark is lead early stages investing, including an active seed investment We are proud of the fact that a numbedr of executives with whom we h ave partnererd in the past have chosen Lightspeed as the lead investod for their subsequent ventures.
We take a collaborative, team approach to investinfg with two partners dedicated to each portfolio Because we are active lead investors with an emphasieson quality, not quantity, portfolio companies receive a high level of attentiojn and support, independent of location...
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Ocean Springs public meeting to help in search for new superintendent - Mississippi Press (blog)
Mississippi Press (blog) | Ocean Springs public meeting to help in search for new superintendent Mississippi Press (blog) A summary of the two stakeholder meetings will be sent by Fisher to the school board, who will then develop the criteria for the position. The school board members already have completed their own criteria survey in November and submitted it to Fisher, ... |
Saturday, January 7, 2012
MOST VIEWED STORIES - Pioneer Press (blog)
MOST VIEWED STORIES Pioneer Press (blog) UPDATE: Vincent Louwagie, Thornton's attorney, this evening confirmed that his client received a letter from Zellers and Senate President Michelle Fischbach stating Thornton's termination had been âsuspended.â SEE BOTTOM OF POST FOR MORE UPDATE. ... |
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Gordon Hirabayashi dies at 93; opposed internment of Japanese Americans - Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times | Gordon Hirabayashi dies at 93; opposed internment of Japanese Americans Los Angeles Times Gordon Hirabayashi opposed his family's wishes and incurred criticism from other Japanese Americans for ârocking the boat.â (Associated Press / January 4, 2012) By Elaine Woo, Los Angeles Times Gordon Hirabayashi, who was convicted for defy ing the ... |
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Pew: Florida sees green in going green - Jacksonville Business Journal:
percent between 1998 and 2007, according to a new study by the . The studyy found that the Sunshine State was amonv the top 10 for jobsin America’e clean energy economy – and the only stat in the nation with its own cap-and-trade helping to create market demand for cleabn energy generation. Last June, Gov. Charlie Crist signe d into law a bill enacting several new energy and climatechange policies. The policies include the Florids ClimateProtection Act, which authorizews the Florida Department of Environmental Protectionj to develop an electric-utility greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program. jobs in the clean energy economy grewby 9.1 while total jobs grew by just 3.
7 percent betweebn 1998 and 2007, according to the titled “The Clean Energy Economy: Repoweriny Jobs, Businesses and Investments Acrosas America.” In 2007, therwe were more than 31,100 jobs in Florida’s clean energy economy and 3,831 clean Pew’s definition of green jobs runs the gamut and includeds engineers, plumbers, administrative assistants, construction workers, machine marketing consultants, teachers and many others with annualo incomes ranging from $21,000 to $111,000.
Venture capitak investment in clean technology in Florids totalednearly $117 million over the past three years, half of whic h has supported clean energy generation, according to the
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Romney runs strong, but can he connect with voters? - Reuters
CTV.ca | Romney runs strong, but can he connect with voters? Reuters But even as Romney appears positioned to take control of the Republican race, a question hangs over his campaign: Can he connect with voters on a personal level any better than he did during his losing campaign in 2008 -- or even inspire them? ... Many Iowa ns still don't know who they will caucus for Iowa caucus voters choosing with heads, not hearts People: Kelly Clarkson assailed on Twitter after endorsing Ron Paul |