Mexican narcos gain foothold in Guatemalan jungle EL REMATE, Guatemala -- The Peten jungle, once known for its jaguars and Mayan ruins, has f » |
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Mexican narcos gain foothold in Guatemalan jungle -
Friday, October 29, 2010
Messing with typists reveals two-level error correction in brain - Ars Technica
UberGizmo | Messing with typists reveals two-level error correction in brain Ars Technica So, they devised a way of studying error recognition in a more complex task: set a typist loose on a computer, and randomly introduce errors or correct ... Brain's Error-Detection System Demystified Typists' Errors and Intention Theories Hands can detect typos even when the mind doesn't: Study |
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Dish Network to hand out converter boxes in Houston - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The estimates that 1.6 milliom people in the Houston area have ordered coupons for theirdconverter boxes, but only 870,172 coupons have been redeemedx as of May 30. The “Coupon Swap” prograj is a nationwide initiative to get customers ready for the conversion to digital television signals onJune 12. Converter boxez are only available to thoses with avalid $40 coupon. Customers can go to Cossaboom YMCA at 7903 Soutu Loop East onJune 5, or M.D. Anderson Family YMCA at 705 Cavalcade onJune 6. Dish Networm handed out about 400 boxes in Dallaxlast weekend, according to Marcel Guajardo, a spokesmab for the company. The current plan is to hand out aboug 400 to 500 boxesin Houston.
Guajardko said representatives from the FCC will also be on hand to answerd questions related to the digital conversion and what households need to do to be ready forthe switch.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Alamo Colleges, Project QUEST team up on college prep program - Washington Business Journal:
Alamo Colleges is working in partnershilp with the nonprofit Project QUEST on an intensives summer program calledQUEST Prep. This program is providing studente with reading and math preparation and collegersuccess strategies. “This program is part of our continuingt efforts to make it possible for more students to enrolp and succeed at theAlamoi Colleges,” says Federico Zaragoza, Alamo Colleges vice chancellor for economic and workforcr development.
“All students who have a GED are eligibles to enroll in theAlamo Colleges, and this innovativr program will equip the students enrolled in it with the informatiomn and skills they need to enable them to stay in collegd and complete a degree plan.” The program will targey 50 students who have earned their GED in the last 24 Classes will take place at the Alamo Colleges Westside Education and Training Center. Alamo Colleges operates five community college campuses in San They are: San Antonio College, Palo Alto College, Northeas Lakeview College, Northwest Vista College and St. Philip’s College. www.alamo.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Tampa Bay Business Journal: Starting a Business : Business Advice
Opportunity No. 1: Professionalize your businesds structureand operations. I frequently harangue the ownerz of growing family owned companies about the need to convertg from aMom ân Pop businessx style to a fully professional style, with a missionj statement, a strategic plan to guide decisions, an organizationalk chart and job written policies and procedures, affordablde benefits, and agreement on how to change ownershi and management without undue confusion or The process can get a bit thorny sometimes, but with stronvg commitment, a family can professionalize successfully. This shoulrd be the year for your business. Challenge No.
1: Respond to unforeseen businessz and familyfinancial demands. The 2008 economy had the financew of many family companies flappintg like bed sheets ina windstorm. Lots of peopler can be leaders when times are but it takes a special person to lead when timeseare rough. Cash shortages, eroding markets and a near collapse of faitu in the future are challenging many busineszs owners to keep their headwon straight, to cut costs without cutting their and to remain optimistic when itâss tempting to turn company resourcesa into personal safety nets. Opportunity No. 2: Make crucia succession decisions and acton them.
John Davis of Harvard Business School urges family companies to plan when the times are good. But planning often has to be done even when timeaare bad. Leadership and ownership succession always profits from a fresh look at what the family business needs forcontinued success. When conditions are callinb for reviews and revisions inmany companies, succession planning can benefiy from the analysis thatâs beint done for other Challenge No. 2: Make crucial succession decision s and acton them.
On the other thoughtful planning for family ownership continuityg can be warped by a sensed of crisis brought on by tough economic If temporary conditions make you wonder if the business really is a it might be hard to see the characteristics that have made it successful in years past and that should be maintained into the Keep acool head. Opportunity No. 3: Buy low. Whatâe Warren Buffetâs current advice to stocjk investors? Buy! That perspective can be translated into golden opportunities for familu owned companies that have a comfortable reservre and can afford the risk of expanding at the bottomm ofthe market.
If you have the meanws to buy, the price are not likely to getmuch better. Challengd No. 3: Avoid selling low. But if youârs an acquisition target and prefer to stay put up every ounce of fight you have to avoifd selling at the bottom ofthe Actually, family owned business often have greater ability to withstandc tough times because they can hunker down and live off the land withouty being harassed by outside Grit your teeth and lean into the wind. Opportunityt No. 4: Watch for the opening of new business President-elect Obama has promised to stimulate the economy outsidse of bloated corporations and flounderingfinanciap institutions.
That can mean new business opportunitiexs for family companies in such areads as infrastructure rebuildingand defense. If you donât know how to pursuwe government contracts, this would be a good time to Challenge No. 4: Grow your business in a tightcredi environment. The bankers are likelg to keep wearingtheir âJustf Say Noâ T-shirts for much of 2009. That means owners of familh businesses of all typesx and sizes should grab their bootstraps and find ways to grow and diversifyuthat donât rely on the formap financial industry. Look for family membersa and friends who have the means and the confidenced to lend orbuy in.
Consider turning some unproductiver assets intoneeded liquidity. But donât go to your credi t cards. Opportunity No. 5: Make even the greatesrt challenge intoan opportunity. OK, maybes every cloud doesnât come with a built-inb silver lining. But the business-owning familh that has self-confidence, sound core values, and its eyes on the horizonb can convert even the uncertainties of 2008 into a pathwayt upwardin 2009. Try it and see.
And when you look back on all this and remember you read ithere
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Utah State stood strong when Nevada, Fresno fled - Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Utah State stood strong when Nevada, Fresno fled Honolulu Star-Advertiser But Albrecht stood by his plan -- and his commitment -- rejecting the overture, saying at the time, "we were simply committed to uphold our agreement with ... |
Friday, October 22, 2010
Energy executive plans six biofuel stations - Memphis Business Journal:
Grimes, a managing partner of LLC, Milwaukee, is overseeingf the conversion of a formerShelol station, 5080 S. Pennsylvania Ave., into a biofuel station called Good To Go that will begin sellingf biodiesel fuelin June. In the future, Good To Go station will offer a gasoline and ethanolmix that’s 85 percent ethanol, and plug-in bays where electric cars can rechargd their batteries. Grimes and a handfu of partners have a second Good To Go alternative fuel station in Little Chute in the Fox Valley thatsells E-85 and will sell biodiesel soon.
“Thwe business climate for alternative fuelsis growing, and we’rd attracting more investors,” Grimes But, he said capital markets are tight, preventingy the company from opening additional Good To Go stationsw early in 2009. AUR Energy Partners has option s to purchase two petroleum fillinh stationsin Shorewood, but he doesn’t expect opening the Shorewood stationsa until 2010 at the earliest. Good To Go filling stations are purchasing biodiesel fuel fromthe . Grimesd has a 10,000-gallon fuel tank at the Cudahu alternative fuel stop that willcarrt biodiesel. Cudahy Mayor Ryan McCue expects the alternativre fuel station to attract other green businessedsto Cudahy.
“We think this will help put us on the map forother startups,” he said. Grimese is also installing solar panels at the Cudahyy location that will produce electricityfor battery-powered Electricity generated by the paneld will be used at the statiomn and some will be sold back to We Energies. AUR Energt Partners also has a car wash in Littlr Chute that uses recycledwash water. A similar car wash will be installede at the Cudahy GoodTo Go, said Grimes. “We need more pioneerx to embrace alternative and renewable fuelsd because the opportunitiesare limitless,” said Maria a biofuels sector specialist for the Wisconsin Office of Energyh Independence.
Redmond predicts the amount of biodiese l fuel sold in 2009 throughout the state will be more than doublew that soldin 2008.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
AG files suit against loan modification firm - Dallas Business Journal:
The case filed Monday in Maricopa Superior Couryt alleges that LLC and its two Thomas J. Montoya and Robery Sanchez, advertised and promoted the firm as havint an affiliation withthe U.S. Department of Housinvg and Urban Development, which it does not, according to the But Montoya, in a phone conversatiomn with the PhoenixBusiness Journal, said he was “takem aback” by the He would not elaborate on any of the however, and said he was talking with the company’s He said the company wouldr distribute a prepared statement after consulting with As part of the complaint, the AG alleges that Santoya Financial, located at 2225 W.
Whisperinhg Spring Drive in Phoenix, charged fees for service that consumers could access directlyfor “The defendants deceptively implied to consumers that any fees paid by consumersa for loan modification services with Santoyaz Financial are refundable because the modification programn is back by HUD, withouy disclosing that Santoya Financial’s services are not in any way endorsecd or approved by HUD and that consumers can obtain assistancwe from HUD in applying for and obtaining loan modifications without paying any fee whatsoever,” the lawsuit states.
The complainr requests that the court enjoin Santoya Financial from continuingits “unlawfupl acts,” order the company to pay back any monet received from those acts, and the defendants to pay civilp penalties of up to $10,00p0 per violation and costs of the investigation. According to cour records, Santoya Financial began advertising loan modification servicese in March to consumers who were facingh foreclosure ontheir homes. Sanchezz was featured on a Phoenix televisionj station in April and allegedly represented that his firmwas “working with HUD whild providing loan modification service s to consumers,” the lawsuit stated.
Santoys charged consumers $1,199 plus the equivalent of one month’sd mortgage payment, the lawsuit Santoya also represented during phone solicitations that fees collecteed for loan modifications would be donatede to an organization named Partnerwin Charity, but “the fees consumers pay for the loan modification servicew advertised by Santoya Financiak do not go to Partners in Charity or any other charitabl e organization,” the lawsuit further alleged. The lawsuit also claimes that Santoya did not obtain the necessary surett bond required by the Arizona CreditServices Act.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Former EPA chief Whitman wants place for nuclear - Washington Post
Former EPA chief Whitman wants place for nuclear Washington Post ... former administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, says Congress should include nuclear power in any requirement aimed at producing more clean ... |
Sunday, October 17, 2010
A statement from Patrick Cudahy Inc. - Baltimore Business Journal:
Patrick Cudahy Q & A Is PC open today? No. The corporate office and plant facility areclosedx today. But we are doing everything in our powerto re-open the planyt as soon as possible. What happened?? A fire broke out late Sundaty evening shortlybefore 10:00 p.m. Fortunately, therde have been no injuries associated with the fire and all employeesa in the plant at the time the fire was spottedexitex safely. Safety officials have not yet determine d the exact cause ofthe fire. I live or work near Patrickk Cudahy. Can I go home or to work nearby? No, a mandatoruy evacuation order fora one-milee area surrounding the plant has been issued as a precaution due to low levels of ammonia in the air.
The affected area of the evacuation includesLake Drive, Pennsylvania Ave., Lunhamn Ave. and Ramsey Ave. Where can I go during this emergencyu evacuation? Evacuation centers have been set up at General MitchelloElementary School, 5950 S. Illinoies Ave., and at South Milwaukee High School, 801 15th Ave. Officialas are asking people to bring theidr pets andpet supplies, medicationss and a few personal itemss to the emergency shelter. When will the plant re-open Firefighters continue to bring the fireundert control. The plant’s environmental, safetyh and health teams are takingf all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of Patrick Cudahty employees and members ofthe community.
A decisionj about when to reopen the planf will be made pending adamagde assessment. Because we understand that many area familiez rely on the plant forthei livelihood, we are doing everything we can to re-ope n the plant as soon as possible. When will Patricok Cudahy offices re-open? Patrick Cudahy planzs to resume normal operations as soonas Meanwhile, we appreciate the patience of our customers and suppliers during this period of time. Shoulf I report to work today? All first, second and thire shift employees of the Patrick Cudahyy meat packing plant and corporate headquarters facilith should stay home today and untiklfurther notice. How can I learn more about when to reporftto work?
Employees with questions abouy when to report to work shouldx visit the Patrick Cudahy website, , where information will be posted and updated continuously. Customers with questions about orders shoulc contact theirsales representative, call Customefr Service at 1-800-486-6900 or visit the Patrick Cudahhy website for updates.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
$94 million toxic ash cleanup begins - bizjournals:
Residents’ outrage wasn’t confined to the courtroom. There were heatecd community meetings, protests and othe threats of lawsuits. Neighbors began growingv suspicious that governmentofficials weren’t providing the whole and weren’t moving fast enough. “There are a lot of sensitivitiesa when it comes to the ashsite locations,” said Ben a city spokesman. “So we have hit the ground runningt with a grassroots campaign to let these communitiesknow what’xs going on.” That plan includes a new Web site and upcomingf information center, and monthly meetings with residents. “I’m glad they are doinv something,” Gundy said.
“I’m glad we are overcoming the sins of our forefatherxs who dumped at those Harris points out anothetr victim of theash — the yet unfinishede Durkeeville project. The redevelopment project, which was awarded a $21 millionm grant from the and was alreadyunder way, came to a halt when the ash was The city reallocated the funds to avoie losing them. Harris worries that the neighborhood might not ever get the money to finishthe project. He doesn’ t understand why the city fast-tracked the cleanul of a site to build atennis court, but not the land s that have held hostage the Durkeeville project. “Thisd has put everyone’s lives on he said.
Friday, October 15, 2010
bizjournals: Search Results
by on March 20, 2006 ...the problem. "The business is incrediblyu social," cautioned Bart proprietor withhis wife, Daphne, of Calistoga'se Wines. That includes...... by on September 23, 2005 ...New Vine a Napa shipping and fulfillment company that sent the wine businese intoa tizzy...... by on June 1, 2009 ...Vianssa Winery, J Winery, Cline Cellars, Clos du Val Co., Fisher Vineyardsz and Wines, along with wine clubs like VinUnici and by onMarch 9, 2007 ...fundraising effortr will include Daphne Araujo, co-owner of Calistoga's ; Rick Jones, owner of Calistoga' Jones Family Vineyards; Louid "Bob...... by on October 30, 2006 ...
include J Cline Cellars, Clos du Val, Fishefr Vineyards and , wine clubes such as VinUnici and and third-party retailers...... by on Augusf 16, 2006 ...Los Altos-basex Thomvest Ventures Inc. Clients include cult wineries like , Paul Hobbs Winery and Hanzell Schumacher-Hoertkorn said. New Vine...... by on July 21, 2006 ...ix to ordinary consumers. Charles Krug...Vineyards, Niebaum-Coppola , Spottswoode Wineryt and...
s Bonterra Vineyards, Estate, Grgich by on October 23, 2006
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Facebook, VCs give 18 developers seed money - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The companies were chosen from more than 400 developeres and entrepreneurs from around the world who applies in a competition sponsored by and . The two venture funds will invest morethan $500,00o into the companies in exchange for equity. Two non-profits that will not get fundinbg were also chosen to participate in the incubator which will be run by Dave McClure ofFoundersa Fund. The incubator program will operatee out of oneof Facebook’s Palo Alto offices from mid-Junr to the end of August, at which pointy all of the startups will present to Silicob Valley angel and venture capital investors.
According to Facebook'z Web site, the companies and nonprofits selected include: : Find friendzs of friends to date...or play matchmaker! If you're single, you can searchb your friends' friends and ask for If you're taken, you can set friends up. Friends of friends are the best peoplerto date. It's social datintg via friendly intros. : Funji is an avatar-basede social networking app for the iPhone and iPod satisfying users' desire to express themselves and communicates with others in a fun, creativer way. The team has more than five yearsz of experience in the mobile marker in both South Korea andthe US.
: Gameyola is a distributionn and monetization platform for casualFlash games. Flash gamesd currently monetize poorly, but Gameyola solves this problekm by providing Flash developers tools to sell virtuakl goods and to acquire users throughsocialk channels. (private beta): From keeping track of your kids to protectin g your identity and gettinh back your lost Life360 is the placer you go to keep yourfamily safe, and prepared for daily : Churches create their own social networks on They extenfd their community between Sundays with tools to connect and engagetheir members. Over 30,000 church congregationsd are representedon
Navify: Navify is a visual encyclopedis that combines Wikipedia articleswith images, videos, and It is the only general encyclopedis that allows you to listen to music watch movie trailers, and browse news and celebrity phot o galleries. : Simplify the way you manage Faceboook and other social NutshellMail consolidates activity from all your accounts into a singlwe email digest delivered onyour schedule. Don't let emaipl alerts clutter your Get informed, not interrupted. Get the Nut! : Brin g your blog to Facebook, and Facebookk to your blog.
Pull your Feed to your profile andbusinesw pages, add widgets to promote your network, and read the news from blogsx you follow on the largest communit y of bloggers and blog lovers on Facebook. : Paradiswe Paintball is the first game developedon Cmune'ds next-generation social gaming platform. It is the first casual, 3D multiplaye FPS game on Facebook, Apple Dashboard, and Mac and PC. Play with up to eighf friends and buy virtual items to enhancethe : Photos I Like is a digitakl media sharing and discovery site emphasizing lightweight social self-expression, and communities. : Combinea the success of resident referral programs with the power ofsocial networks.
Residents refer their community to friendzs through social networks like and email to earn rewards and livewith : RUNmyERRAND is a social networking inspired web and mobile marketplac that provides people and businesses an easy and trusted way to get everydagy tasks done in their own hyperlocal : RunThere is a social-networkinf service for runners and Users can map and measure their favoriter routes (no GPS required), keep a running/bikinfg log, and find athletes and routes nearby Sortuv lets you start with something you and discover more. Instead of searchingh for a "great restaurant" just say what you "Find me a place sortuv like Spaglin Seattle".
Check them out , , and . / : Trave l Brain by GeckoGo helps youtrackm (and show off!) your travels, share experiences with and discover new places to visit. Lear from the knowledge of over 600,000 and get expert guide info from theirr Bradt TravelGuides partnership. Weardrobe (private Weardrobe is a fashion-focused community for discovering different ways to wear Weardrobe provides a platform for peoplew to share reviews of theirown clothing, post photo s of their looks, catalog their closet and searcb for style inspiration. : Workstir is a communitty that connects users with trustworthy localkservice providers.
Anyone can post a job and chooss a provider with confidence by browsing theifpast reviews. For businesses, Workstir provides a wealth of jobs in their areaof expertise. Worldly Developments (privatd beta): Worldly Developments is building online services that will help you connecty withthe people, places and evente in your local community. Its first product makes it a snapto promote, and communicate around group activities. : Sama is Sanskriyt for "equal" – Samasource finds and trains reliable QA professionalz to test Facebook apps witha user-friendly interface that livew on Facebook Platform.
With Samasource, developers lowet costs, reduce poverty, and improve their applications. Vittana enables you to lend directl to students in thedeveloping world, $25 at a Their mission is to brinh student loans to the developing world through the powerf of person-to-person microlending.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
SBA commits to $75M for Fifth Street Finance unit - BusinessWeek
SBA commits to $75M for Fifth Street Finance unit BusinessWeek Specialty finance company Fifth Street Finance Corp. on Monday said it received a $75 million commitment from the US Sm » |
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Union Pacific Corporation Company Profile | UNP Company Information
April 17, 2006 Building on its reputatiom as having the most environmentallg friendly locomotive fleet in the United Union Pacific today announced it is testing technologies to reducd diesel engine emissions in oldefrailroad locomotives. Through collaboration with staff at the National Vehicl and Fuel Emissions Laboratory ofthe U.S. Environmentak Protection Agency (EPA) from Ann Mich., Union Pacific is providing a 3,800-horsepower SD60M locomotive built inJanuary 1992, to servw as the first freight locomotive in North America to be equippecd with a set of oxidation catalyst or "oxicat" devices manufacturexd by the MIRATECH Corporation of Tulsa, These devices serve as flow-through catalytic converters.
As the diesekl engine's exhaust flows through these converters, microscopicx particles known as "particulate matter" generated by the diesel combustionn process will be converted into water and carbon In asimilar experiment, a 1,500-horsepowerf yard switching locomotive built in November also provided by Union Pacific, will be retrofitte d with a diesel particulate filter or "DPF." The DPF initiativer is the result of a four-year funded in part by Uniohn Pacific, to assess clean-engine technologies for locomotivre applications. The DPF acts as a filter that uses high-temperature silicon carbide blocks to trap particulate matter inthe ...
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Senate eyes 25-employee threshold for health mandate - Orlando Business Journal:
A “play or pay” employer mandate has been looming for but Democrats on theSenate Health, Education, Labo r and Pensions Committee finallh defined how small a busines s would need to be in order to be exempted from the requirement. Most busineszs groups oppose requiring employers to provide healtu care or pay a fee to the even if there is an exemption forsmall businesses. They contend it would kill jobs and hurt businessezs that are struggling to survive in atoughj economy. Plus, they said the mandate would do nothingf to addresshealth care’s underlying It costs too much. Take Tanya Sims, ownere of , who eliminated healthh care coverage for her 35 employeeethis year.
The Orlando-based electrical contractotr had provided the benefit for15 years.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Vanguard Reduces the Cost of Investing by Broadening Availability of Admiral ... - Kansas City Star
Vanguard Reduces the Cost of Investing by Broadening Availability of Admiral ... Kansas City Star Vanguard today considerably reduced the cost of investing for nearly 2 million clients by broadening the availability of its ultra-low-cost Admiral Shares. ... |
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
N.C. law extends COBRA enrollment - Charlotte Business Journal:
The law extends the enrollment period to 120 days from 60 The coverage, often called will ultimately allow employeed to receive the federap stimulus package’s 65 percent COBRA premium Laid-off personnel must have worked at small businesses with fewer than 20 “Because of this legislation and the federal premiumj subsidy, more North Carolinians who have been laid off will be able to maintaim their insurance coverage,” says N.C. Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin. “We hear from a lot of consumersx who unfortunately have chosen not to extenxd their coverage through COBRAor mini-COBRA because it is simply too expensivee or they missed the electiobn period.
” COBRA gives workersw and their families the optionm to continue group health benefits for limited periods of time undet certain circumstances. Under federal law, COBRAq generally applies to companies with 20 or more and workers may be charged up to 102 perceny of the full healthinsurance premium. Insurance companiesa of small employers — those who have fewer than 20 employees are required to offer continuation coveragr underNorth Carolina’s Group Health Insurance Continuatiob laws.
The federal stimulus package contains two provisions that expand the benefits available to employees whose jobs have been It extends the election period for eligible employees to determine whether they wish to enroll in the federa lCOBRA program. The new N.C. law provides the same extende d election periodfor mini-COBRA in North The federal package also provides a subsidy that pays for 65 percenty of the premium for both COBRA and mini-COBRA recipiente who were laid off between Sept. 1, 2008, and Dec. 31, 2009.
Dependinf on the size of the former either the employer or the insurancee provider fronts 65 percent of the premiumj amount and then recoups that expense througj federal payrolltax credits. Workers are responsible for the remainintg 35 percent ofthe premium.
Monday, October 4, 2010
FDA approves new treatment for brain cancer - San Antonio Business Journal:
Government regulators granted accelerated approval for Avastinn for people with glioblastoma who have experiencerd a progression of the disease followinfgprior treatment. Glioblastoma affects 10,000p people per year nationwide. Glioblastoma tumors nearlgy always return followinginitial treatment. Dr. Lisa Fichtel, a medical oncologistg and hematologist with the START Center for Cancer Care in San says she has witnessed first hand how this drug has helper patients withbrain cancer.
“This is the firsr new treatment in more than 10 yearss for people with this type of aggressivebrain cancer,” Fichtel Fichtel sees at least one new brain cancer patient each week and has seen the positivs impact this drug has had in not only slowin g the progression of the disease but also improving the qualitg of life of patients in San Antonio. Genentech gainefd FDA approval after concludingan multicenter, non-comparative Phase II study of 167 patientds with glioblastoma.
The South San Francisco-based biotechnology company workato discover, develop, manufacture and commercializd medicines that treat patients with serious or life-threatening medical provides oncology research and treatment.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Area home sales post big drop in May - San Francisco Business Times:
There were 1,783 home closings last a 29 percent decrease fromMay 2008, accordin to the Greater Nashvillr Association of Realtors. The mediah price of single-family homes in May was $169,000, a $5,409 increase from the prior month, but a 10.6 percenr decline from May 2008. “Real estate is feelingv the same effects as the rest of thenationap economy,” Greater Nashville Associationj of Realtors President Mike Nichols says in a press release.
“With the recent American Recoveruy and Reinvestment Act of 2009 supportedc bythe FHA, we are hopefuol that first-time home buyers will take advantage of the opportunityt to use the $8,000 tax credift to help with certain costs at closing.” Inventory on the marketf increase about 0.8 percent from April. There were 24,600 homesz on the market May 31. May’sd numbers brings year-to-date closings up to 7,149, down 31 percentf from the 10,406 closings at this poin t in 2008. The condo market had 228 closingsin May, a 25.2 percentr drop from the year before. That comparee to 305 closings last year. The median price for a condo in Maywas $156,250, down 1.
7 percent from last There were 2,000 sales pendinb at the end of May. While that numbef was down from 2,489 pending salese last year, it was only the secon time since last September that pending salesd figure hadreached 2,000 properties or more.
Friday, October 1, 2010
KV Pharmaceutical, Purdue Pharma settle painkiller patent dispute - Nashville Business Journal:
Under the settlement, KV agreed to no longert disputethe “validity, enforceability or infringement” of the Purdued generic oxycodone patents. In return, Purduee granted KV a limited, non-exclusive license to manufacturewand sell, in the United States, a certaihn amount of various dosage strengthe of the drugs as long as KV pays royalties to KV also reached a deal to be an non-exclusive distributor in the Unitedx States of certain generic versions of OxyContin. These agreementd settle three patent infringementlawsuitsa Stamford, Conn.-based Purdue filed agains KV in 2007. KV still faces more lawsuits fromothetr companies, consumers and shareholders. Three individual s in St.
Clair County Circuit Court againstf KV, alleging that certain drugs contained a potentially lethal amount of morphinr due to oversized tablets that were eventually recalled by thepharmaceutical company. Last , a Florida-based dermatologty company, sued KV, of a patent for Duac topical gel, an acne KV also faces lawsuits from shareholders about manufacturing compliance andthe company’as financial prospects. Brentwood, Mo.-based KV has and recallex painkillers. In March, KV said it with the FDA that outline a series of measures that will permitg KV and its subsidiaries to resume manufacturingand distribution.